257 hits
Søkortnr. | H&S Reg nr. | Lbnr. | Korttitel | Underfolioområde | Udg.år | Trykår |
Unummereret | HAS-1-007-01 | 9045 | Illvstri viro, Philippo Sidnæo Michael Lok Civis Londonensis Hanc Chartam Dedicabat, 1582. | 0105 | 1582 | 1850 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-008-01 | 9046 | Chart of the Empire of Japon, 1850. | 2520 | 1850 | 1850 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-009-01 | 9047 | Map of Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina and Georgia, 1851. | 1220 | 1851 | 1851 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-012-01 | 9048 | Moscovia Quatenus Moenibus includitur, arx vogatur, extra moenia ingens lignearumædium numerus, civitatis dicitur, | 1064 | 1556 | 1852 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-013-01 | 9049 | Caerte van Nova Zembla, de Weygats, de custe van Tartarien en Ruslandt..., 1598. | 0110 | 1598 | 1853 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-013-02 | 9050 | Caerte van't Noorderste Russen, Samojeden, ende Tingoesen landt..., 1612. | 0110 | 1612 | 1853 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-013-03 | 9051 | Chart of Novaya Zemlya, 1853. | 0110 | 1853 | 1853 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-016-01 | 9052 | Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticæ, 1588. | 0010 | 1590 | 1854 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-018-01 | 9053 | Groenland, 1633. | 0110 | 1633 | 1855 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-018-02 | 9054 | Greneland, 1631 = Svalbard 1631.. | 0110 | 1631 | 1855 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-023-01 | 9055 | St. Luc de Barameda, 1602 ca. | 0860 | 1602 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-023-02 | 9056 | Island of Guadaloupe, 1602 ca. | 1330 | 1602 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-023-03 | 9057 | Island of Porto Rico, [Puerti Rico] 1602 ca. | 1330 | 1602 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-023-04 | 9058 | A Harbour in S'Domingo [Port-au-Prince] 1602 ca. | 1330 | 1602 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-024-01 | 9059 | Valley of the Amazons | 1491 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-01 | 9060 | Jave la Grande [Australien NW] 1530 ca. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-02 | 9061 | Australia -Tasmans Track 1642-1644. Bowrey 1687. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-03 | 9062 | Australia - 'T Lant van Eendracht, 1658, kaptajn Jonck. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-04 | 9063 | Australia - 'T Lant van Eendracht, 1658 kaptajn Volckerts. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-05 | 9064 | Outline Chart of Terra Australis or Australia, 1859. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-025-06 | 9065 | The Londe of Java or Australia, Rotz 1, 1542. | 2610 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-026-01 | 9066 | Map illustrative of the route of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timou A.D. 1402. | 0910 | 1859 | 1859 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-027-01 | 9067 | Tabula Nautica, qua representantur oræ maritimæ meatus... Hudsons rejser 1611. | 0110 | 1612 | 1860 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-027-02 | 9068 | Tabula Geogr. in qua admirande navigationis cursus et recursus designatur. Hudsons rejser 1611. | 0110 | 1612 | 1860 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-028-01 | 9069 | A Map shewing the track of the expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre, A.D. 1560-1561. | 1491 | 1861 | 1861 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-032-01 | 9070 | A Map illustrating the route of Ludovico di Varthema, A.D. 1503-1508. | 2491 | 1863 | 1863 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-033-01 | 9071 | Map of Peru, Quito & New Granada. | 1491 | 1864 | 1864 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-033-02 | 9072 | TTahuantin - Suyu or the Empire of the Yncas .. in its four great divisions of Chincha-Suyu, Cunti-Suyu, Anti-Suyu, Colla-Suyu with their tribes and Ayllus or lineages | 1491 | 1880 | 1880 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-034-01 | 9073 | The Isthmus of Panama at the time of its discovery 1513-1523. | 1491 | 1865 | 1865 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-036-01 | 9074 | Sketch Map showing the Metropolitan Sees of the Nestorian Church and some of the Latin Missionary Bishoprics of the Fourteenth Century. | 1691 | 1866 | 1866 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-036-02 | 9075 | Asia in the first half of the fouteenth century to elucidate Cathay & The Way Thither. | 1691 | 1866 | 1866 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-037-01 | 9076 | Map of the Hindu Kush and the regions adjoining to illustrate the journey of Benedict Goës. | 1691 | 1866 | 1866 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-038-01 | 9077 | The World, Martin Frobisher, 1578. | 0010 | 1578 | 1867 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-038-02 | 9078 | Map of Meta Incognita, A.D. 1578. Baffin Island. | 1210 | 1578 | 1867 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-076-01 | 9079 | Map of Norumbega from Ramusio's "Viaggi" 1556. | 1210 | 1556 | 1935 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-076-02 | 9080 | Map of the New World, 1587. From a map of the World, by Rumold Mercator after Gerard Mercator. | 0010 | 1587 | 1935 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-077-01 | 9081 | John White's Map of Virginia and Florida, c. 1585. | 1220 | 1585 | 1935 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-077-01 | 9082 | Part of John Dee's Map of North America, A.D. 1580. | 1205 | 1580 | 1935 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-144-01 | 9083 | The Edward Wright world map, 1599, State 2. Reproduced for Richard Hakluyt, prefixed to Principal navigations, II (1599). | 0010 | 1599 | 1974 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-044-01 | 9084 | A revised copy of Oman and the Persian Gulf in which an attempt has been made to give a correct transliteration of the Arabic names. | 1920 | 1871 | 1871 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-045-01 | 9085 | A Plan of Cuzco Ancient and modern. | 1491 | 1871 | 1871 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-046-01 | 9086 | Canary Islands | 0120 | 1872 | 1872 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-047-01 | 9087 | A part of Peru shewing the marches of Francisco and Hernando Pizaro - May 1532 to May 1533. | 1491 | 1872 | 1872 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-050-01 | 9088 | Sketch map of the countries referred to in the Zeno narrative. | 0110 | 1873 | 1873 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-050-02 | 9089 | Map of the Færoe Islands to illustrate the route of Nicolo Zeno. | 0110 | 1873 | 1873 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-050-03 | 9090 | Carta da navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zeni furono III tramontana i ano MCCCLXXX. | 0110 | 1558 | 1873 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-050-04 | 9091 | Sketch chart of the south west of Greenland from the Danish Admiralty Survey, corrected to 1873. | 0110 | 1873 | 1873 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-052-01 | 9092 | Pigafetta's Map of Magellan's Straits. | 1430 | 1874 | 1874 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-052-02 | 9093 | Chart of the Pacific Ocean showing the track of Magellan's ships in the years 1519-1522. | 2810 | 1874 | 1874 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-053-01 | 9094 | Map of Arabia = Petrus Berthelot primum cosmographicum Indiano rum imperium faciebat &ct. 1635. | 1691 | 1635 | 1875 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-053-02 | 9095 | Plan of Ormus = Hormusstrædet 1635 | 1691 | 1635 | 1875 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-054-01 | 9096 | Polarområdet på kort fra 1599. | 0110 | 1599 | 1876 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-054-02 | 9097 | Nova Zembla 1598. | 0110 | 1598 | 1876 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-054-03 | 9098 | Caerte van 't noorderste Russen, Samojeden, ende Tingoesen landt : alsoo dat vande Russen afgbetekent en door Isaaac Massa vertaelt is. | 0110 | 1600 | 1876 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-043-01 | 9099 | Bahama Islands - Antonio de Herrera, 1601. | 1330 | 1601 | 1870 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-043-02 | 9100 | Bahama Islands - modern. | 1330 | 1870 | 1870 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-043-03 | 9101 | Bahama Islands - Juan de la Cosa, 1500. | 1330 | 1500 | 1870 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-055-01 | 9102 | Map of India - Portolano of Fernão vaz Dourado, circ. 1570. | 1930 | 1570 | 1877 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-055-02 | 9103 | Chart of Goa, BM. Sloane ms. 197, fol. 248. | 1930 | 1630 | 1877 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-058-01 | 9104 | Map illustrative of the Travels of Johann Schiltenberger, 1394-1427, by Commander J. Buchan Telfer, R.N. | 1691 | 1879 | 1879 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-059-01 | 9105 | The Northern Discoveries of John Davis, 1585-1587. | 0110 | 1880 | 1880 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-062-01 | 9106 | Chart of the Malay Peninsula Etc. From the Portolano of Diego Homem, A.D. 1558. | 2210 | 1558 | 1880 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-062-02 | 9107 | Plan of the Portuguese Fortress of Malaca. | 2210 | 1500 | 1880 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-01 | 9108 | Entrance to the Persian Gulf to illustrate the last voyage of Baffin (1621). | 1691 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-02 | 9109 | Baffin's Bay - Capt. Luke Fox 1635. | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-03 | 9110 | Baffin's Bay - From Henry Hexham's edition of Hondius Atlas printed 1636. | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-04 | 9111 | Baffin's Bay - From Moll's Atlas 1706. | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-05 | 9112 | Baffin's Bay - Enlarged from the circumpolar map in Daines Barrington's "Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted" (1818). | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-06 | 9113 | Baffin's Bay according to modern chart (1881). | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-07 | 9114 | Coast of Greenland - visited by Baffin in 1612. | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-063-08 | 9115 | Autograph map of Baffin's fourth voyage to the north west 1615. | 0110 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-064-01 | 9116 | Map of part of Abyssinia to illustrate the journey of Father Francisco Alvarez, A.D. 1520. | 1591 | 1881 | 1881 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-072-01 | 9117 | Russia, Moscoviae et Tartariae descriptio, 1562. | 0368 | 1562 | 1886 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-072-02 | 9118 | Map to illustrate travels of Anthony Jenkins 1557-1571. | 0368 | 1886 | 1886 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-073-01 | 9119 | Map to illustrate the journey of Southam & Sparke in 1566. | 0368 | 1886 | 1886 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-073-02 | 9120 | Chart of Northern Navigation - William Borough's map, c. 1578. | 0368 | 1578 | 1886 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-076-01 | 9121 | Maldive Islands | 1620 | 1887 | 1887 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-078-01 | 9122 | A New and Correct Chart Shewing the goeing over the Braces... from Point Palmiras to Hughley in the Bay of Bengall | 2020 | 1750 | 1889 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-080-01 | 9123 | Maldive chart of the Coasts of South India and Ceylon | 2020 | 1863 | 1890 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-081-01 | 9124 | South America in the XVI century. An ethnographical map | 1491 | 1890 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-082-01 | 9125 | Chart of Island of Rodriguez, 1874 | 1620 | 1874 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-082-02 | 9126 | Carte de l'Isle de Diego-Ruys, ou Diego Rodrigo (Rodrigues) 1693 | 1620 | 1693 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-082-03 | 9127 | L'Isle de Bourbon apellee Mascarenas par le Portuguaiz (Rodrigues) 1545 | 1620 | 1545 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-082-04 | 9128 | Mathurin Bay, Rodriguez, 1874 | 1620 | 1874 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-083-01 | 9129 | Mauritius, 1877 | 1620 | 1877 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-083-02 | 9130 | Chart of the Mascarene Archipelago | 1620 | 1891 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-083-03 | 9131 | Carte de l'ile de la Réunion, 1861 | 1620 | 1861 | 1891 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-084-01 | 9132 | A figurative Plan of the City of Goa, India | 2491 | 1892 | 1892 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-084-02 | 9133 | Carte du Voyage de Pietro Della Valle en l'Inde (ca. 1660) | 1910 | 1892 | 1892 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-086-01 | 9134 | The North-east Coast in the Map of La Cosa, 1500 | 0010 | 1500 | 1893 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-086-02 | 9135 | Part of the map of Sebastian Cabot 1544 | 0010 | 1544 | 1893 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-086-03 | 9136 | Restoration of the Toscanelli Map 1474 ca. | 0010 | 1893 | 1893 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-086-04 | 9137 | The New World in the Cantino Chart 1502 | 0010 | 1502 | 1893 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-088-01 | 9138 | Reduced facsimile of Foxe's chart of the North Polar region, (1635) | 0110 | 1635 | 1894 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-088-02 | 9139 | Chart showing the routes of the various navigators, who sought for a North-west Passage through Hudson's Strait, 1610 to 1632 | 0110 | 1894 | 1894 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-089-01 | 9140 | The Platt of Sayling for the discovery of a Passage into the South Sea 1630-1632 | 0110 | 1632 | 1894 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-091-01 | 9141 | Chart to illustrate the voyage of Pedro Sarmiento up the Gulf of Trinidad | 1430 | 1895 | 1895 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-091-02 | 9142 | Chart of the West Half of Magellan Strait to illustrate Sarmiento's Voyage 1580 | 1430 | 1895 | 1895 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-091-03 | 9143 | Chart of the East Half of Magellan Strait to illustrate Sarmiento's Voyage 1580 | 1430 | 1895 | 1895 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-092-01 | 9144 | Northern Africa illustrating the "History of Leo Africanus" | 1591 | 1896 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-092-02 | 9145 | Barbary illustrating the "History of Leo Africanus" | 1591 | 1896 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-092-03 | 9146 | Northern Fez illustrating the "History of Leo Africanus" | 1591 | 1896 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-092-04 | 9147 | Pory's Map of Africa | 1591 | 1600 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-095-01 | 9148 | Africa in the Laurentian Portolano of 1351 | 1591 | 1351 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-095-02 | 9149 | The Coast of N.W. Africa, according to the Pizzigani map, 1367 | 1591 | 1896 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-095-03 | 9150 | N.W. Africa, according to the Catalan Map of 1375 | 1591 | 1375 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-095-04 | 9151 | West Africa and Europe, according to Andrea Bianco, 1436 | 1591 | 1436 | 1896 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-01 | 9152 | The Routes of the Voyages from Denmark and England to Greenland in 1605, 1606 and 1612 | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-02 | 9153 | The Kinge Christianus His Forde - Grønland fjord med navne. | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-03 | 9154 | Cunninghams Forde - Grønland fjord med navne. | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-04 | 9155 | Brade Ransons Forde - Grønland fjord med navne. | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-05 | 9156 | The Coast of Groineland | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-06 | 9157 | The Stockholm Chart of Greenland - Grønland | 0110 | 1607 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-096-07 | 9158 | The Chart of Buss Island, 1673 | 0110 | 1673 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-097-01 | 9159 | Hudson Bay - Jens Munk skitse 1620 | 0110 | 1624 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-097-03 | 9160 | Chart showing the routes various navigators, who sought for a North-west Passage through Hudson's Strait 1610 to 1620. | 0110 | 1897 | 1897 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-01 | 9161 | A Chart illustrating the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama 1497-1499 | 0010 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-02 | 9162 | The Cape to Natal | 1830 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-03 | 9163 | Natal to Magadoxo | 1830 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-04 | 9164 | West Coast of India | 1910 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-05 | 9165 | Afrikas sydlige del 1502 | 1591 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-06 | 9166 | Afrikas sydlige del, Cantino 1502 | 1591 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-099-07 | 9167 | Afrika og Indien, Caneiro 1502 | 0010 | 1898 | 1898 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-100-01 | 9168 | Afrika Vest | 1591 | 1899 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-100-02 | 9169 | Afrika Vest 1448 | 1591 | 1448 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-1-100-03 | 9170 | Afrika Syd Fra Mauro | 1591 | 1459 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-001-01 | 9171 | Map illustrating Sir Thomas Roe's Embassy to India 1615-1619 | 1691 | 1899 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-002-01 | 9172 | Indolstani - Imperii Totius Asiæ ditissimi discriptio... / A Description of East India conteyninge th' Empire of the Great Mogoll / K 115. | 1691 | 1617 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-003-01 | 9173 | Al Ser. Ferdinando II Granduca di Toscana suo Signore Don Roberto Dudleo, Duca di Northumbria = Sydamerika fra Orinoco til Curatini = Corantijnfloden. | 1420 | 1637 | 1899 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-004-01 | 9174 | Route map of John of Pian de Carpine and William of Rubruck 1246-1255. | 1691 | 1900 | 1900 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-005-01 | 9175 | Linschoten's Map of the Eastern Seas - Sydøstasien 1595 | 2191 | 1595 | 1900 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-006-01 | 9177 | Map of Kongo & Angola illustrating their history to the close of the 17th century. | 1591 | 1901 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-006-02 | 9178 | Map of Ndongo (Angola) | 1591 | 1901 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-007-01 | 9179 | The Western Hemisphere, showing the Solomon Islands. | 0010 | 1592 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-007-02 | 9180 | Chart of 1589 showing the Solomon Islands, and Torres Straits, 17 years before Torres passed through them. | 2230 | 1589 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-008-01 | 9181 | The Pacific Ocean, showing the course followed by Mendaña's ships in the discovery of the Solomon Islands 1567-69. | 2810 | 1901 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-008-02 | 9182 | The Solomon Islands, showing the track of Mendaña's ships and of the Brigantine 1568 | 2830 | 1901 | 1901 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-010-01 | 9183 | Map to accompany the Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia | 1591 | 1902 | 1902 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-011-01 | 9184 | Map of Spitzbergen, from "Histoire de Spitzberghe, Par H.G.A., 1613 | 0110 | 1612 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-011-02 | 9185 | N.W. Corner of Spitsbergen | 0110 | 1904 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-012-01 | 9186 | Chart of the river Hugli, Bengal | 2020 | 1904 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-013-01 | 9187 | Plan of the Isle of San Carlos - Perspectiva, vista... - Påskeøen | 2830 | 1771 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-013-02 | 9188 | Rapa Nui or Easter Island | 2830 | 1868 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-013-03 | 9189 | Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes. | 0010 | 1739 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-015-01 | 9190 | Planos de las Bahias descubiertas... 1606 - Islas del Espiritu Santos - New Hebrides | 2830 | 1878 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-015-02 | 9191 | New Hebrides, Banks and Duff Groups, showing discoveries of Quiros in 1606 | 2830 | 1904 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-015-03 | 9192 | Stillehavet - Routes of Mendana 1595, Quiros 1606, and Torres 1606 | 2810 | 1904 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-016-01 | 9193 | Map of the Yaman, showing Jourdan's routes | 1691 | 1905 | 1905 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-016-02 | 9194 | Western India, showing Jourdain's routes | 1691 | 1905 | 1905 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-016-03 | 9195 | The Malay Archipelago | 2210 | 1905 | 1905 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-016-04 | 9196 | Amboyna og Buton - planer for øer nær Ceram og Celebes | 2210 | 1905 | 1905 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-017-01 | 9197 | Mundy's Route in Turkey | 1064 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-017-02 | 9198 | Mundy's Route in Italy | 0991 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-017-03 | 9199 | Mundy's Route in France | 0892 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-018-01 | 9200 | Nova Totius Orbis Terrarum Descriptio | 0010 | 1619 | 1906 |
0003 | HAS-2-018-02 | 9201 | Map of Magellanes Strait... as it was navigated by Admiral Joris Spilberghen | 1430 | 1617 | 1906 |
0017 | HAS-2-018-03 | 9202 | Manilles Strait....as it was navigated by Admiral Joris Spilberghen | 2320 | 1617 | 1906 |
0018 | HAS-2-018-04 | 9203 | Bay of Manilles - Manila Bay | 2320 | 1617 | 1906 |
0019 | HAS-2-018-05 | 9204 | Map of the Molucques - Malaysia, Molukkerne og Philippinerne | 2320 | 1617 | 1906 |
0023 | HAS-2-018-06 | 9205 | Chart of the itinerary of Jacob le Maire - Stillehavet Syd fra Chile til New Guinea | 2830 | 1616 | 1906 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-019-01 | 9206 | A Map of the Part of India mentioned in Dr. Fryar's Travells | 1691 | 1681 | 1909 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-019-02 | 9207 | Bombay - Bombay Island | 1691 | 1681 | 1909 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-020-01 | 9208 | A Map of Dr. Fryer's Travells into Persia | 1691 | 1681 | 1909 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-021-01 | 9209 | Tenerife | 0120 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-021-02 | 9210 | The Land of Our Lady of Candelaria | 0120 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-022-01 | 9211 | Map of Central Peru | 1491 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-022-02 | 9212 | Map of Vilca-Pampa | 1491 | 1907 | 1907 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-023-01 | 9213 | Map of the ruins of Cintla after Dr. C.H. Berendt | 1296 | 1908 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-023-02 | 9214 | The Coast of Mexico near San Juan de Ulua after Bautista Antoneli, 1608 | 1296 | 1608 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-023-03 | 9215 | San Juan de Ulua after Bautista Antoneli, 1608 | 1296 | 1608 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-023-04 | 9216 | The West Indies and Spanish Main | 1310 | 1908 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-023-05 | 9217 | Map of part of Mexico showing the route of the Spaniards from Vera Cruz to the Citu of Mexico | 1296 | 1908 | 1908 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-024-01 | 9219 | Plan showing the position of the causeways connecting the Island City of Mexico with the mainland | 1296 | 1910 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-024-02 | 9220 | A Rough Sketch Map of the City of Mexico | 1296 | 1910 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-01 | 9221 | The Maguey Plan of Mexico City | 1296 | 1910 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-02 | 9222 | Chart of the Gulf with plan of the lake and City of Mexico from Cortes' letters by Pietro Savorgnani, 1524. | 1296 | 1524 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-03 | 9223 | Map of the Valley of Mexico by Enrico Martinez, about 1628 | 1296 | 1628 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-04 | 9224 | Plan de la Ville de Mexico, Charles Antoine-Jaubert, 1772 | 1296 | 1772 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-05 | 9225 | The Valley of Mexico City | 1296 | 1907 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-025-06 | 9226 | Map of the Valley of Mexico | 1296 | 1560 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-026-01 | 9227 | Map of British Guiana based on the map prepared for the arbitration between Great Britain and Venzuela | 1296 | 1911 | 1911 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-026-02 | 9228 | Afbeelding van de Stad Middelburg in Zeeland | 0274 | 1640 c. | 1911 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-028-01 | 9229 | South Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego | 1430 | 1911 | 1911 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-028-02 | 9230 | Map of the Spice Islands | 2220 | 1911 | 1911 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-028-03 | 9231 | The Nodal Chart in the edition of 1621 - Magellanstrædet | 1430 | 1621 | 1911 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-030-01 | 9232 | Sketch Map of part of Mexico and Central America | 1296 | 1912 | 1912 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-032-01 | 9233 | The AGUILA's track-chart in 1772-3 | 3010 | 1773 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-032-02 | 9234 | Prospect and plan of a part of the Island of Tahiti | 2830 | 1772 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-032-03 | 9235 | Plan of La Ysla de Amat = Tahiti | 2830 | 1772 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-033-01 | 9236 | Asia in the first half of the fourteenth century to elucidate "Cahay and the way thiter" | 1691 | 1913 | 1913 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-037-01 | 9237 | Sketch Map showing the Metropolitan Sees of the Nestorian Church and some of the Latin missionary bishoprics of the fourteenth century | 1691 | 1914 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-034-01 | 9238 | Facsimile of a XVth cent. map of Drake's Voyage of circumnavigation = La Herdike enteprinse faict par le signeur Draeck d'avoir cirquit toute la terra | 0010 | 1580 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-034-02 | 9239 | Francis Fletcher's map of the three islands - Tre øer ved Atlanterhavets indsejling til Magellanstrædet | 1430 | 1577 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-034-03 | 9240 | Francis Fletcher's enlared and descriptive drawing of Elizabeth Island | 1430 | 1577 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-035-01 | 9241 | Mundy's Routes between Surat and Agra 1631 and 1633 | 1691 | 1914 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-035-02 | 9242 | Mundy's Routes Agra to Karanbas 1631; Agra to Patra 1632 and 1633 | 1691 | 1914 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-036-01 | 9243 | The port and vicinity of El Callao | 3020 | 1777 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-036-02 | 9244 | Tautira på Tahiti, Fransk Polynesien - Tautira and the Bay of Te Vai Te Piha | 2830 | 1914 | 1914 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-040-01 | 9253 | Map of Tabasco by Melchior Alfaro de Santa Cruz 1579 | 1340 | 1579 | 1916 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-040-02 | 9254 | Map of Tabasco showing the route followed by Hernando Cortes during 1524-5 | 1340 | 1916 | 1916 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-040-03 | 9255 | Map of Guatemala and the adjacent countries | 1340 | 1916 | 1916 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-041-01 | 9256 | Part of Central Asia with route of Benedict Goës | 1691 | 1916 | 1916 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-043-01 | 9257 | Tahiti reproduced from the French Admiralty chart of 1876 | 2830 | 1876 | 1918 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-044-01 | 9258 | Part of Diego Riberos map of the World, 1529 | 0010 | 1529 | 1918 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-045-01 | 9261 | Mundy's Route in India 1636-1637 | 1930 | 1919 | 1919 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-045-02 | 9262 | Mundy's Route from Achin to Pulo Condors and vice versa, 1637-1638 | 2030 | 1919 | 1919 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-045-03 | 9263 | Mundy's Route from Pulo Condors to Macao and vice versa, 1637-1638 | 2120 | 1919 | 1919 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-045-04 | 9264 | Macao and the Canton River, 1637 | 2130 | 1919 | 1919 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-045-05 | 9265 | Macao and the Taipa Anchorage, 1637 | 2130 | 1919 | 1919 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-047-01 | 9266 | The Countries bordering on the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 12th Century to illustrate the Chronicle of Muntaner | 0910 | 1920 | 1920 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-047-02 | 9267 | Spain in the 13th Century to illustrate the Chronicle of Muntaner | 0896 | 1920 | 1920 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-049-01 | 9268 | Map of Bengal. From Lavanha's map... | 2020 | 1615 | 1920 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-049-02 | 9269 | Map of Java. From Lavanha's map... | 2220 | 1615 | 1920 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-051-01 | 9270 | Valley of Amazonas | 1491 | 1921 | 1922 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-051-02 | 9271 | Reproduction of Father Samuel Fritz's map of the great river Maranon 1707 - Amazonas | 1491 | 1707 | 1922 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-052-01 | 9272 | Chart if the Feejee Islands 1814 | 2830 | 1814 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-052-02 | 9273 | Fijian Islands | 2830 | 1922 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-055-01 | 9274 | General Map showing the extent of Mundy's Four Journeys 1639 to 1648 - Nordeuropa | 0130 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-055-02 | 9275 | Map showing Mund's petty tour in England and his tour round the coast | 0591 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-055-03 | 9276 | Map showing Mundy's Journeys in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark | 0130 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-055-04 | 9277 | Map showing Mundy's Journeys inland from Danzig o Königsberg and Wehlau to Thorn and Warsaw | 0366 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-056-01 | 9278 | Carte de l'Isle de Sainct Christophle - French Map of St. Christopher ca. 1667 | 1330 | 1667 | 1924 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-056-02 | 9279 | Map of Barbados sent home by Sir Richard Dutton in 1684 | 1330 | 1684 | 1924 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-056-03 | 9280 | Map of Cuba, Jamaica, and S. Domingo | 1330 | 1800 ? | 1924 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-056-04 | 9281 | A Map of Guiana, with the courses of the Orinoco, Maranon or Amazons | 1420 | 1800 ? | 1924 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-056-05 | 9282 | A Description of Jamaica Island and the Caribies etc. | 1330 | 1680 | 1924 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-057-01 | 9283 | Map showing the Mortoft's Route in France 1658-1659 | 0892 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-057-02 | 9284 | Map showing the Mortoft's Route in Northern Italy 1658-1659 | 0991 | 1925 | 1925 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-060-01 | 9285 | Coast of Guiana by Gabriel Tatton | 1420 | 1602 | 1926 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-060-02 | 9286 | Map of Guiana b P. du Val - Guyana | 1491 | 1654 | 1926 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-060-03 | 9287 | Map of Guiana to illustrate the Hakluyt Edition of Harcourt's Relation 1926. | 1491 | 1926 | 1926 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-062-01 | 9305 | Portion of a map by Diego Homem, showing Central America and the West Indies, 1568 | 1310 | 1568 | 1928 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-063-01 | 9306 | Syria and Mesopotamia to illustrate the desert route from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf... | 1068 | 1929 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-064-01 | 9307 | Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ Augmentum 1597 - Showing a Strait between New Guinea and Terra Australis | 0010 | 1597 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-064-02 | 9308 | Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ Augmentum 1597 - Showing New Guinea as an Island separated from Terra Australis | 0010 | 1597 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-064-03 | 9309 | Sketch map of the voyae of Prado and Torres in 1606 through the passage between New Guinea and Australia now known as Torres Strait | 2630 | 1929 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-065-01 | 9310 | Map to illustrate the First and Second Voyages of Columbus | 1310 | 1929 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-065-02 | 9311 | Map to illustrate the Voyage of Columbus to Cuba and Jamaica in 1494 | 1310 | 1929 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-065-03 | 9312 | Routes of Columbus on his four voyages across the Atlantic | 0120 | 1929 | 1929 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-070-01 | 9313 | Map to illustrate the Third Voyage of Columbus 1498 | 1340 | 1933 | 1933 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-070-02 | 9314 | Map to illustrate the Fourth Voyage of Columbus 1502-1503 | 1340 | 1933 | 1933 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-072-01 | 9315 | A Reconstruction of Bombay as it appeared in 1710 | 1930 | 1933 | 1933 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-072-02 | 9316 | The Hugli River | 2020 | 1933 | 1933 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-073-01 | 9317 | Darien - The Isthmus of America | 1340 | 1934 | 1934 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-073-02 | 9318 | Map from "A New Voyage round the World" by William Dampier | 1340 | 1697 | 1934 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-073-03 | 9319 | Chart of the San Blas Islands and adjoining coast | 1340 | 1686 | 1934 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-074-01 | 9320 | East India - the course of the Voyage - Peter Floris rejse 1611-1615 | 2010 | 1834 | 1934 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-079-01 | 9321 | North-east Africa from Ptolemy's 'Geographia' | 1591 | 1507 | 1936 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-079-02 | 9322 | The North Atlantic on an Italian chart of 1508 | 0120 | 1508 | 1936 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-079-03 | 9323 | The Middle Atlantic Coasts on an Italian Chart of c. 1508 | 0120 | 1508 | 1936 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-079-04 | 9324 | The Coasts of West and South Africa on an Italian Chart of 1508 | 0140 | 1508 | 1936 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-079-05 | 9325 | Map to illustrae the Esmeraldo de situ Orbis of Duarte Pachero | 1591 | 1936 | 1936 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-080-01 | 9326 | Western Africa and the Cape Verde Islands from te Atlas of Grazioso Benincasa 1468 | 1591 | 1468 | 1937 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-080-02 | 9327 | North-Western Africa in the fifteenth Century | 1591 | 1937 | 1937 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-081-01 | 9328 | The Voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral 1500-01 | 0010 | 1938 | 1938 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-081-02 | 9329 | Oceanus Indicus Meridional.. - World Map of Henricus Germanus, 1492 | 0010 | 1492 | 1938 |
Unummereret | HAS-2-082-01 | 9330 | Western India | 1930 | 1939 | 1939 |