36 hits
Søkortnr. | H&S Reg nr. | Lbnr. | Korttitel | Underfolioområde | Udg.år | Trykår |
Unummereret | HAK-X-001-01 | 9001 | Typvs Orbis Terrarvm / Typus Orbis Terrarum | 0010 | 1570 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-002-01 | 9010 | Verdenskort : Robert Thorne | 0010 | 1527 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-002-02 | 9011 | Theatrum Orbis Terrarum - Evropae = Europa | 0130 | 1570 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-003-01 | 9012 | Northern Ocean - Lapland, Kolahalvøen, Hvidehavet | 0110 | 1575 c. | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-003-02 | 9013 | Moscovia Vrbs Matropolis Totius Russiæ Albæ | 1064 | 1573 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-003-03 | 9014 | Rvssiae Moscoviae et Tartariae descriptio | 1064 | 1562 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-004-01 | 9015 | The First Action in the English Channel against the Armada. | 0820 | 1588 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-004-02 | 9016 | The Last Action in the English Channel against the Armada. | 0840 | 1588 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-004-03 | 9017 | The Action in Cadiz Bay, 21st June 1596. | 0860 | 1596 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-004-04 | 9018 | The description of the coast of Abex, The Straights of Meca, otherwise called the Red Sea, the coastes of Arabia, Ormus, and Persia... | 1710 | 1598 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-005-01 | 9019 | Plan of Alexandria. | 1062 | 1573 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-005-02 | 9020 | Plan of Constantinople. | 1066 | 1573 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-005-03 | 9021 | Sailing chart of the Mediterranean, A.D. 1564. | 0910 | 1564 | 1903 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-006-01 | 9022 | Hood's Sailing chart A.D: 1592. | 0120 | 1592 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-006-02 | 9023 | Map of Egypt, 1598. | 1062 | 1598 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-006-03 | 9024 | Plan of Goa, Inia, 1573. | 1691 | 1573 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-006-04 | 9025 | Chart of Cadiz Harbour by William Borough, 1587. | 0860 | 1587 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-006-05 | 9026 | Map of the coast of Guinea, van Lindschoten, 1598. | 1510 | 1598 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-007-01 | 9027 | General map made onelye for the particuler declaration of this discovery. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's map of the world, A.D. 1576. | 0010 | 1576 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-007-02 | 9028 | Map of the World, A.D. 1578 - From George Best's book 1578. | 0010 | 1578 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-007-03 | 9029 | Map of Meta Incognita, A.D. 1578. Baffin Island. | 1210 | 1578 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-007-04 | 9030 | Michael Lok's map of the new World, A.D. 1582. | 1210 | 1582 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-007-05 | 9031 | The Voyage of the right Honorable the Earle of Cumberland to the Islands Azores A.D. 1589. | 0120 | 1589 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-008-01 | 9032 | Map of the New World, A.D. 1587 - From Peter Martyrs "De Orbe Novo". | 0010 | 1587 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-008-02 | 9033 | Chart of Virginia by John White. | 1220 | 1587 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-008-03 | 9034 | Chart of Virginia and Florida by John White. | 1220 | 1587 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-008-04 | 9035 | Map of America by Dr. John Dee, A.D. 1580. | 1205 | 1580 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-009-01 | 9036 | Map of Florida by James le Moyne, A.D. 1590. | 1220 | 1590 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-009-02 | 9037 | Map of the Coast of China, A.D. 1598. | 2820 | 1598 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-009-03 | 9038 | Map of the World by Peter Plancius, A.D. 1594. | 0010 | 1594 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-010-01 | 9039 | Plan of Cidade Velha på øen Santiago i Cap Verdeøerne 1589. | 0120 | 1589 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-010-02 | 9040 | Map of Guiana by Sir Walter Ralegh, ca. 1595. | 1491 | 1595 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-010-03 | 9041 | Map of Drake's West Indian Expedition, 1585-1586. | 0105 | 1586 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-011-01 | 9042 | Chart of the World showing the circumnavigations of Drake and Cavendish, 1595 ca. | 0010 | 1595 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-011-02 | 9043 | Map of the Moluccas or Spice Islands, 1598. | 2110 | 1598 | 1904 |
Unummereret | HAK-X-012-01 | 9044 | Plan of London, circa 1573. | 0591 | 1573 | 1904 |