Museet for søfarts kortsamling

Søge ord :  

Folioområde Foliounderområde
900 : Middelhavet W til Malta & Adriaterhavet 910 Middelhavet, oversejlingskort
920 Spanien & Balearerne
    Alicante, Almeria, Balearerne, Barcelona, Cartagena, Gibraltar, Malaga, Tarragona, Valencia
930 Frankrigs Middelhavskyst, Corsica
940 Italien med øer & Adriaterhavet
    Ancona, Bonifacio, Brindisi, Cagliari, Elba, Galipoli, Genoa, Livorno, Malta, Messina, Napoli, Sardinien, Trieste, Venedig
950 Afrikas kyst fra Gibraltar til Malta
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår

910 Middelhavet, oversejlingskort

1149 Mediterranean and Black Seas, 1921
1163 Paas-Caart van de Middelandsche Zee, 1673
1164 Orientalior districtus Maris Mediterranei, 1730
1165 Occidentalior Tractus Maris Mediterranei, 1730 c.
1166 A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea, 1690 c.
1699 Mediterranean Sea & Black Sea, 1877 c.
1707 Mediterranean Sea Western Part, 1879
1711 Western Portion of Mediterranean Sea, 1884
1802 The Mediterranean Sea, 1884
1803 The Mediterranean Sea Eastern Part, 1884
1808 The Mediterranean Sea Eastern Portion, 1893 c.
1810 The Mediterranean Sea Eastern Portion, 1883 c.
1823 Mediterranean Sea and a portion of the Euxine or Black Sea, 1862
1835 Mediterranean Sea Eastern Portion, 1883 c.
2025 La Carte de la Mer Mediterranée i Atlas Maritime i Le Neptune Francois, 1694
2110 A Correct Chart of the Mediterranean Sea from the Coast of Portugal to the Levant, 1753
2155 A Chart of the Levant or the Sea East of Egypt Syria Caramania and the Island Cyprus, newly Corrected by Iohn Gaudy, 1753
2160 A Correct Chart of the Mediterranean Sea from the Coast of Portugal to the Levant, 1753
2205 A Chart of the Levant or the Sea East of Egypt Syria Caramania and the Island Cyprus, newly Corrected by Iohn Gaudy, 1753
2746 Mediterranean and Black Seas Index chart for use with NEMEDRI, 1956
2757 Mediterranean and Black Seas Index chart for use with NEMEDRI, 1951
4007 Occidentalior tractus mare Mediterranei. FdW-A. Wester gedeelte van de Middelandse Zee. FdW-A., 1700 c.
4461 Nieuwe Pascaart van t' Tweede Gedeelte der Mittelansche-Zee Tusschen t' I. Malta en Alexandretta, 1700 c.
4547 Pas-caart van de Middellandsche Zee Verthoonende alle de Zee-kusten van Granaden, Catalonien, Provencen, Italien, Griecken, Thracien, Natolien Syrien, Egypten, en Barbaryen ..., 1700 c.
4644 Gulf of Bomba to Iskenderun, 1969
5002 Mediterranean Sea Balearic Island - Sicily - Dardanelles, 1965
5145 Mediterranean Sea Menorca to Malta, 1969
5167 Mediterranean Sea - Cadiz to Barcelona, 1969
5174 Mediterranean and Black Seas, 1988
7304 Mediterranean and Black Seas, 1996
9006 Hondius His map of the Roman Empire - Romani Imperii Imago, 1610 c.
9021 Sailing chart of the Mediterranean, A.D. 1564., 1564
9066 Map illustrative of the route of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timou A.D. 1402., 1859
9266 The Countries bordering on the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 12th Century to illustrate the Chronicle of Muntaner, 1920

920 Spanien & Balearerne

1784 Coast of Spain Gibraltar to Cape San Antonio, 1906
2051 Voxende Kaart over Kysterne af Spanien og Portugal med de Baleariske Øer samt Kysten af Africa fra kap Espartel til Kap Buggie, 1810
2052 Voxende Kaart over Kysterne af Spanien og Portugal med de Baleariske Øer samt Kysten af Africa fra kap Espartel til Kap Buggie, 1810
2111 A Chart of the Straits of Gibralter, 1753
2112 Gibralter Bay, 1704
2113 Almarie Bay, 1753
2114 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Spain From the Straits mouth to C de Gat And of the Sea Coast of Barbary From the Straits mouth to C. de Hone, 1753
2115 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Spain From Cape de Gata to Cape S. Martin. And of the Sea Coast of Barbary From Cape de Hone to Cape de Tenes, 1753
2116 The Bay of Cartagena By John Gaudy., 1706
2117 Alicante Bay. By John Gaudy., 1705
2118 Altier Bay. By John Gaudy, 1705
2120 Valencia Bay or Grao Road, 1706
2121 Alfaques near Tortosa in Valencia, 1706
2122 The Coast of Spain from Cape St. Martin to Cape St Sebastian with the Islands of Majorca Minorca & Yvica., 1753
2123 A Large Chart of Port Maon on the Island Minorca on the Mediterranean, 1753
2161 A Chart of the Straits of Gibralter, 1753
2162 Gibralter Bay, 1704
2163 Almarie Bay, 1753
2164 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Spain From the Straits mouth to C de Gat And of the Sea Coast of Barbary From the Straits mouth to C. de Hone, 1753
2165 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Spain From Cape de Gata to Cape S. Martin. And of the Sea Coast of Barbary From Cape de Hone to Cape de Tenes, 1753
2166 The Bay of Cartagena By John Gaudy, 1706
2167 Alicante Bay. By John Gaudy., 1705
2168 Altier Bay. By John Gaudy, 1705
2170 Valencia Bay or Grao Road, 1706
2171 Alfaques near Tortosa in Valencia, 1706
2172 The Coast of Spain from Cape St. Martin to Cape St Sebastian with the Islands of Majorca Minorca & Yvica., 1753
2173 A Large chart of Port Maon on the Island Minorca on the Mediterranean, 1753
2510 Anchorages on the East Coast of Spain, 1890
3486 Pl. 2. Baye de Gibraltar, 1779
3487 Pl. 3. Malaga, 1779
3488 Pl. 4. Baie de Almerie + Almeria, 1779
3489 Pl. 5. Cartagena, 1779
3490 Pl. 6. Alicant, 1779
3491 Pl. 7. Yvice - Grande Plain - Isle Fromentiere, 1779
3492 Pl. 8. Palme, 1779
3493 Pl. 9. Alcudia - Baye de Poyance, 1779
3494 Pl. 10. Baye de Sofa, 1779
3495 Pl. 11. Barcelone, 1779
3496 Pl. 12. Golfo de Rosas, 1779
3552 Pl. 66. Plan du Port Mahon sur l'Isle Minorque, 1779
3553 Pl. 67. Catalonie, Cap de Quie = Cadaqués, 1779
3847 Belagerung von Gerona durch die Franzosen vom 8. Juni bis 10. Dezember 1809., 1809
4072 Port of Barcelona, 1860
4115 Pl. 2. Baye de Gibraltar, 1764
4116 Pl. 3. Malaga, 1764
4117 Pl. 4. Baie de Almerie + Almeria, 1764
4118 Pl. 5. Cartagena, 1764
4119 Pl. 6. Alicant, 1764
4120 Pl. 7. Yvice - Grande Plain - Isle Fromentiere, 1764
4121 Port Malaga, 1875
4548 Paskaart van t' opkomen der Straat Gibralter besbote tussen de kusten van Algarve, Andalusia, Barbaria en Marocco van C. S. Vincant tot C. Cantin., 1700 c.
4549 Nieuwe Paskaart van de kust Hispania van 't Klif van Velez Malaga als mede de Kust van Barbaria van Larache tot Belis, 1700 c.
4550 Pascaart van de Zee Kusten van Granada en Murcia Tusschen Velez Malaga en C. S. Martin Als meede de Barbarische Zee-Kusten tusschen Penon de Velez en C. Ivy., 1700 c.
4551 Paskaart Voor een Gedeelre der Kust van Barbaria van C. Ivi, tot Bona. En de Kust van Catalonia van Peniscola tot Mataro. Als mede de Eylanden Yvica, Majorca, en Minorca., 1700 c.
4552 Paskaart Van de Zee-kusten van Valence, Catalonien, Languedocq en Provence. Tusschen C. S. Martin en C. de Toulon Met de Eylanden, Yvica, Majorca, en Minorca., 1700 c.
4810 Gibraltar Anno 1779, 1779
7153 Strait of Gibraltar to Isla de Alboran, 1995

930 Frankrigs Middelhavskyst, Corsica

1108 Plan des Ports de Marseilles, 1872
2124 Bay of Marcellia, 1753
2125 A Draught of the Bay and Road of Marseilles, and the Neigbouring Coasts; by Michelot, Hydrographer and Pilot Royal of the Galleys, and BREMOND, Hydrographer to the King and City of Marseilles, 1753
2126 Bay of Toloun, 1753
2127 Road before Eres, 1753
2128 Bay and Islands of Eres, 1753
2129 Bay of Villa Franca, 1753
2130 The Sea Coast of Languedoc, Provence, and Part of Italy; from Cape Dragon, to Cape Delle Melle, 1753
2174 Bay of Marcellia, 1753
2175 A Draught of the Bay and Road of Marseilles, and the Neigbouring Coasts; by Michelot, Hydrographer and Pilot Royal of the Galleys, and BREMOND, Hydrographer to the King and City of Marseilles, 1753
2176 Bay of Toloun, 1753
2177 Road before Eres, 1753
2178 Bay and Islands of Eres, 1753
2179 Bay of Villa Franca, 1753
2180 The Sea Coast of Languedoc, Provence, and Part of Italy; from Cape Dragon, to Cape Delle Melle, 1753
3497 Pl. 13. Cette, 1779
3498 Pl. 14. Port de Bouc, 1779
3499 Pl. 15. Rade de Marseille, 1779
3500 Pl. 16. La Ciotat, 1779
3501 Pl. 17. Rade du Brusc - Senary + Bandol, 1779
3502 Pl. 18. Toulon, 1779
3503 Pl. 18A. Rade d'Engien + Baye d'Hyeres, 1779
3504 Pl. 19. Baye d'Hieres, 1779
3505 Pl. 20. Plan de Ste. Marguerite, 1779
3506 Pl. 21. Ville Franche, 1779
3521 Pl. 36. Corcica Plan de Porto Vecchio, 1779
3522 Pl. 36B. Isle de Sardaigne - Bouches de Boniface, 1779
3523 Pl. 37. Sardaigne - baye de Cagliari, 1779
3554 Pl. 68. Port Vendre en Roussillon, 1779
3555 Pl. 69. Roussillon, Ville de Coulioure, 1779
3556 Pl. 70. Languedoc, Fort de Brescon, 1779
3557 Pl. 71. Plan de la Baye de Calvi sur l'Isle de Corse, 1779
3598 Pl. 112. Golfe de St. Drely, 1779
4553 Nieuwe Paskaert van de Zee Kusten van Provence en Italiæ Tusschen Cabo de Toulon, en de Hoel van Piombino Mit de byleggende Eylanden Mitsgaarders de Zee-kusten van t' Eylandt Corsica ..., 1700 c.

940 Italien med øer & Adriaterhavet

1109 Côte Méridionale de Sardaigne, 1887
1147 Gulf of Trieste, 1914
1151 Brindisi to Ortona, 1910
1708 Adriatic Sea and Gulf of Venice, 1884
2131 A new Chart of the Islands of Corsica & Sardinia. By Michelot, Hydrographer and Pilot Royal of the Galleys, and Bremond, Hydrographer to the King and City of Marseilles, 1753
2132 The great Bay of Callaria, 1753
2133 The City and Haven of Savonia, 1753
2134 The Sea Coast of Italy, From Cape Delle Melle to Mount Argentato With the Island of Corsica, 1753
2135 Livorno alias Ligorne, 1753
2136 The Haven of Messina, 1753
2137 The Haven of Palermo in Sicily, 1753
2138 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Italy, Sicili and Part of Barbary, 1753
2139 A Description of the Harbour of Trapana Vechio, 1753
2141 The Bay of Taranto, 1753
2142 The Haven and City of Galipoli, 1753
2143 The Haven of Brindisi, 1753
2144 A Sea Chart of the Gulph of Venice. Describing all the Sea Coasts and Islands contained therein, 1753
2181 A New Chart of the Islands of Corsica & Sardinia. By Michelot, Hydrographer and Pilot Royal of the Galleys, and Bremond, Hydrographer to the King and City of Marseilles, 1753
2182 The great Bay of Callaria, 1753
2183 The City and Haven of Savona, 1753
2184 The Sea Coast of Italy, From Cape Delle Melle to Mount Argentato With the Island of Corsica, 1753
2185 Livorno alias Ligorne, 1753
2186 The Haven of Messina, 1753
2187 The Haven of Palermo in Sicily, 1753
2188 A Chart of the Sea Coast of Italy, Sicily and Part of Barbaray, 1753
2189 A Description of the Harbour of Trapana Vechio, 1753
2191 The Bay of Taranto, 1753
2192 The Haven and City of Galipoli, 1753
2193 The Haven of Brindisi, 1753
2194 A Sea Chart of the Gulph of Venice. Describing all the Sea Coasts and Islands contained therein, 1753
2961 Plan de l'Isle de Malte leuée sur les lieux par le Sieur de Langres Ingenieur du Roy foubz les ordres de Monseigneur le Vicomte Darpaiou lors general dans Malte., 1798 c.
3507 Pl. 22. Genes - Genoa, 1779
3508 Pl. 23. Especia - La Specia, 1779
3509 Pl. 24. Livourne, 1779
3510 Pl. 25. Golfe de Ferraro - Elba, 1779
3511 Pl. 26. Civita Vechia, 1779
3512 Pl. 27. Ville et Baye de Gayétte, 1779
3513 Pl. 28. Golfe de Naples, 1779
3514 Pl. 29. Plane de Melazzo - Sicilia, 1779
3515 Pl. 30. Messine, 1779
3516 Pl. 31. Palerme, 1779
3517 Pl. 32. Trapano Sicilia, 1779
3518 Pl. 33. Saragosa = Siracusa, 1779
3519 Pl. 34 Agusta, 1779
3520 Pl. 35. Gergenty = Agrigento Sicilien, 1779
3531 Pl. 45. Calabre - Port de Tarante, 1779
3532 Pl. 46. Calabre - Port de Galipoli, 1779
3533 Pl. 47. Calabre - Brundizi, 1779
3534 Pl. 48. Dalmatie - Cattaro = Bocche di Cattaro = Boka Kotorska, 1779
3558 Pl. 72. Isle Sardaigne - Golfe de Palme, Isle St. Antioche, Isle St. Pierre, 1779
3561 Pl. 75. Plan du Port de Malte, 1779
3562 Pl. 76. Plan du Port de la Ville de Brindisi, 1779
3563 Pl. 77.Golphe de Venise, Isles Tremiti, Isle St. Domino, St. Nicolas & I. Carera, 1779
3564 Pl. 78. La Ville d'Ancone, 1779
3565 Pl. 79. Chateau de la Mezzola, Pte. de Goro = Poflodens udløb ved sideløbet Goro, 1779
3566 Pl. 80. Chiozza, 1779
3567 Pl. 81. Venedig, 1779
3568 Pl. 82. Plan du Port de Trieste, 1779
3569 Pl. 83. Plan du Port Parenso = Porec i Kroatien, 1779
3570 Pl. 84. Isle de Cherzo, Canal de Farisina, Fiume, Istrien, 1779
3571 Pl. 85. Port St. George sur l'Isle de Lissa, St. Spilice, Lucca, 1779
3572 Pl. 86. Spalato = Split, 1779
3845 Karte von den Staaten des Königs von Sardinien enthaltend Savoyen und Piemont, Montferrat ein Teil vom Herzogthum Mailand und die Insel Sardinien., 1793
3848 Carte de la Souabe de la Suisse et du Piemont. Carte No. 1, 1800 c.
3850 Carte du Piémont. Carte No. 3, 1800 c.
3851 Carte de la Rivière de Gènes. Carte No. 4, 1800 c.
3856 Carte des Environs d'Alexandrie et de la Plaine de Marengo. Carte No. 9, 1800 c.
3961 Insula Malta accuratissime delineata Urbibus et Fortalitiis expressa, a FdW., 1700 c.
4221 Insula Malta accuratissime delineata Urbibus et Fortalitiis expressa, a FdW., 1700 c.
4554 Pas-Caart van de De Zee kusten van 't Eyland Sardinia Met de tegen over geleegene Zee kusten van Barbaria Tusschen C. de Ferro en C. Bona., 1700 c.
4555 Paskaart der Zeekusten van Italien Tusschen Piombino, en C. dell Arme Met de Noord-kust van 't Eyland Sicilia, 1700 c.
4556 Nieuwe Paskaert van de Zee kusten van 't Eylandt Sicilia En de tegen over Gelegende Kusten van Barbaria Tusschen C. Bona en I. Zerby., 1700 c.
4755 Carte Hydrographique du Golphe de Venise Pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy, 1771
4802 Venetia, 1600 c.
5152 Adriatic Sea, 1988

950 Afrikas kyst fra Gibraltar til Malta

2119 The Sea Coast of Barbary. From Cape de Tenes to Cape de Rosa, 1753
2140 The Bay of Tunis, 1753
2169 The Sea Coast of Barbary. From Cape de Tenes to Cape de Rosa, 1753
2190 The Bay of Tunis, 1753
3524 Pl. 38. Barbarie - Baye de Tanger, 1779
3525 Pl. 39. Barbarie - Baye de Marza Quivir - Oran, 1779
3526 Pl. 40. Barbarie - Baye de Alger, 1779
3527 Pl. 41. Golfe de Tunus, 1779
3528 Pl. 42. Barbarie - Monestier - Sousse, 1779
3529 Pl. 43. Barbarie - Convi + Face + Sidy = Gabesbugten, 1779
3530 Pl. 44. Barbarie - Tripoli, 1779
3559 Pl. 73. Barbarie, Arzeou ou Arzeni, 1779
3560 Pl. 74. Barbarie, Port Genevés, Bone, 1779
3866 Citta, e Golfo di Tunisi sulla Costa di Barbaria nell' Africa, posta a 30 gradi 58 minuti di Late., e 29 gradi 10 minuti di Longitude., 1800 c.
3995 Barbaria., 1700 c.
4258 Barbaria., 1700 c.
4805 Algier i fuglesperspektiv, 1753 c.
5154 Algeria - Cherchell to Bejaia, 1976
5160 Malta, 1983