Museet for søfarts kortsamling

Søge ord :  

Folioområde Foliounderområde
3000 : Sydamerika W-kyst 3010 Sydamerika W-kyst, oversejlingskort
3020 Sydamerika W-kyst Panama til Cape Horn
    Bolivia, Chile, Iquique, Ecuador, Guayaquil, Panama, Peru
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår

3010 Sydamerika W-kyst, oversejlingskort

9233 The AGUILA's track-chart in 1772-3, 1773

3020 Sydamerika W-kyst Panama til Cape Horn

1141 Kort over en Deel af Perus Kyst, 1821 c.
1198 Novæ Hispaniæ, Chili, Peruviæ et Guatimalæ Littoræ, 1700 c.
1335 South America West Coast Sheet X, Bolivia & Chile Pt. Grande to Pt. S. Francisco, 1836
1546 Chile Sheet VII from Lora Point to Maitencillo, 1913
1547 Chile Sheet VIII from Maitencillo to Herradura, 1873
1548 Chile Sheet IX from Herradura to Grande Point, 1913
1549 Chile Sheet X from Pt. Grande to Pt. San Francisco, 1912
1550 Chile Sheet XI from Cape Paquica to Cape Lobos, 1896
1551 Chile Concepcion Bay, 1905
1552 Chile Sheet VI from Tucapel Point to Point Lora, 1899
5035 Bahia Valparaiso to Caleta Totoralillo, 1966
5088 Map of Central America Shewing the proposed lines of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans., 1853
5089 Topographical Map of a Portion of the Isthmus of Darien in site of Proposed Inter-Oceanic Navigation., 1853
5090 Darien Ship Navigation - Plan and Section of Design No. 1., 1853
5091 Darien Ship Navigation - Plan and Section of Design No. 3., 1853
7003 Kort over en Deel af Peru's Kyst., 1821
7111 Estrecho de Magallanes, 1988
7116 Cabo Pilar to Golfo Coronados, 1991
7178 Der Hafen von Callao, 1744
7179 Abriss von dem Eylande Iuan Fernandez in dem Mar del Sur, 1744
7180 Grundriss von der Conceptions Bay oder Empfængniss Bay Talcahuanobugten, 1744
7181 Grundriss von der Einfahrt in den Meerbusen von Chiloe und den Hafen Chacao., 1744
7182 Grundriss von dem Meerbusen und Hafen Valparaiso, 1744
9243 The port and vicinity of El Callao, 1777