Museet for søfarts kortsamling
Søge ord :
3000 : Sydamerika W-kyst
3010 Sydamerika W-kyst, oversejlingskort
3020 Sydamerika W-kyst Panama til Cape Horn
Bolivia, Chile, Iquique, Ecuador, Guayaquil, Panama, Peru
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår
3010 Sydamerika W-kyst, oversejlingskort
9233 The AGUILA's track-chart in 1772-3
, 1773
3020 Sydamerika W-kyst Panama til Cape Horn
1141 Kort over en Deel af Perus Kyst
, 1821 c.
1198 Novæ Hispaniæ, Chili, Peruviæ et Guatimalæ Littoræ
, 1700 c.
1335 South America West Coast Sheet X, Bolivia & Chile Pt. Grande to Pt. S. Francisco
, 1836
1546 Chile Sheet VII from Lora Point to Maitencillo
, 1913
1547 Chile Sheet VIII from Maitencillo to Herradura
, 1873
1548 Chile Sheet IX from Herradura to Grande Point
, 1913
1549 Chile Sheet X from Pt. Grande to Pt. San Francisco
, 1912
1550 Chile Sheet XI from Cape Paquica to Cape Lobos
, 1896
1551 Chile Concepcion Bay
, 1905
1552 Chile Sheet VI from Tucapel Point to Point Lora
, 1899
5035 Bahia Valparaiso to Caleta Totoralillo
, 1966
5088 Map of Central America Shewing the proposed lines of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
, 1853
5089 Topographical Map of a Portion of the Isthmus of Darien in site of Proposed Inter-Oceanic Navigation.
, 1853
5090 Darien Ship Navigation - Plan and Section of Design No. 1.
, 1853
5091 Darien Ship Navigation - Plan and Section of Design No. 3.
, 1853
7003 Kort over en Deel af Peru's Kyst.
, 1821
7111 Estrecho de Magallanes
, 1988
7116 Cabo Pilar to Golfo Coronados
, 1991
7178 Der Hafen von Callao
, 1744
7179 Abriss von dem Eylande Iuan Fernandez in dem Mar del Sur
, 1744
7180 Grundriss von der Conceptions Bay oder Empfængniss Bay Talcahuanobugten
, 1744
7181 Grundriss von der Einfahrt in den Meerbusen von Chiloe und den Hafen Chacao.
, 1744
7182 Grundriss von dem Meerbusen und Hafen Valparaiso
, 1744
9243 The port and vicinity of El Callao
, 1777