Museet for søfarts kortsamling
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1690 : Landkort Arabien - Indien til Rusland
1691 Landkort Arabien til Indien og Rusland
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår
1691 Landkort Arabien til Indien og Rusland
3417 Prémière Partie de la Carte d'Asie contenant la Turquie, l'Arabie, la Perse, l'Inde en deca du Gange et de la Tartarie ce qui est limitrophe de la Perse et del'Inde.
, 1761
3628 Frederiksnagor i Bengalen
, u.a.
3873 Iran und Turan oder Persien, Afghanistan, Belutschistan & Turkestan.- Gezeichnet von F. v. Stülpnagel u. Herm. Berghaus.
, 1863
3878 Vorder-Indien oder Hindostan oder auch Ostindien Disseits des Ganges nach I. Rennell, von Friedr. Gottl. Canzler d. Phil. Dr. zu Göttingen Nürnberg bey Homanns Erben. 1804, jetzt Christoph Fembo 1813. M. K. B. allergn. Freyheit.
, 1813
3989 Indiæ Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio edita per FdW
, 1700 c.
3990 Magni Mogolis Imperivm de Nova Correctum et Divisum Per FdW
, 1700 c.
3991 Nova Persiæ Armeniæ Natoliæ et Arabiæ Descriptio Per FdW.
, 1700 c.
4252 Tabula Indiæ Orientalis Emendata a FdW.
, 1700 c.
4253 Magni Mogolis Imperivm de Nova Correctum et Divisum Per FdW
, 1700 c.
4254 Nova Persiæ Armeniæ Natoliæ et Arabiæ Descriptio Per FdW.
, 1700 c.
4470 Orarum Malabariæ, Coromandelæ, &c. tabula accuratissima - Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, presentée au Roy. Par Guillaume de l'Isle. A Amsterdam
, 1720 c.
4471 Deliniantur in hac tabula, Oræ maritimæ Abexiæ, freti Mecani: al. Maris Rubri: Arabiæ, Ormi, Persiæ, supra Sindam usque, Fluminis Indj, CambaiæIndiæ & Malabaris, Insulæ Ceylon ...
, 1598
4679 Terræ Jemen maxima Pars. seu Imperii Imami, Principatus Kaukebân, nec non ditionum Haschid u Bekîl, Nehhm, Chaulân, Abu Arîsch Et Aden
, 1771
7156 Grundriss von Goa, Indien
, 1750 c.
7190 Karte von Industani
, 1752
7355 Schauplatz des Krieges an der Küste Coromandel
, 1764 c.
7356 Karte von dem Districte Tranquebar
, 1764 c.
7359 Grundriss der Stadt Cochin - Indien W-kyst.
, 1764 c.
9007 Hondius His map of Alexander's expedition - Alexandri Magni Expeditio
, 1610 c.
9024 Plan of Goa, Inia, 1573.
, 1573
9074 Sketch Map showing the Metropolitan Sees of the Nestorian Church and some of the Latin Missionary Bishoprics of the Fourteenth Century.
, 1866
9075 Asia in the first half of the fouteenth century to elucidate Cathay & The Way Thither.
, 1866
9076 Map of the Hindu Kush and the regions adjoining to illustrate the journey of Benedict Goës.
, 1866
9094 Map of Arabia = Petrus Berthelot primum cosmographicum Indiano rum imperium faciebat &ct. 1635.
, 1635
9095 Plan of Ormus = Hormusstrædet 1635
, 1635
9104 Map illustrative of the Travels of Johann Schiltenberger, 1394-1427, by Commander J. Buchan Telfer, R.N.
, 1879
9171 Map illustrating Sir Thomas Roe's Embassy to India 1615-1619
, 1899
9172 Indolstani - Imperii Totius Asiæ ditissimi discriptio... / A Description of East India conteyninge th' Empire of the Great Mogoll / K 115.
, 1617
9174 Route map of John of Pian de Carpine and William of Rubruck 1246-1255.
, 1900
9193 Map of the Yaman, showing Jourdan's routes
, 1905
9194 Western India, showing Jourdain's routes
, 1905
9206 A Map of the Part of India mentioned in Dr. Fryar's Travells
, 1681
9207 Bombay - Bombay Island
, 1681
9208 A Map of Dr. Fryer's Travells into Persia
, 1681
9218 Sir Thomas Roe's Map of East India - A Description of East India conteyning te Empire of the Grea Mogoll.
, 1619
9236 Asia in the first half of the fourteenth century to elucidate "Cahay and the way thiter"
, 1913
9237 Sketch Map showing the Metropolitan Sees of the Nestorian Church and some of the Latin missionary bishoprics of the fourteenth century
, 1914
9241 Mundy's Routes between Surat and Agra 1631 and 1633
, 1914
9242 Mundy's Routes Agra to Karanbas 1631; Agra to Patra 1632 and 1633
, 1914
9247 Hondius his map of Persia
, 1600 c.
9256 Part of Central Asia with route of Benedict Goës
, 1916
9289 Hondius his map of Asia
, 1600 c.