Folioområde |
Foliounderområde |
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår
1210 Hudson Bay til Nova Scotia, St. Lawrence
1294 Cod Island bis Cape Harrison, 1984
1420 Nova Scotia, Prince Edward I. New Brunswick, 1917
1421 Nova Scotia, SE Coast Sambro I. to C. Canso, 1919
1422 Nova Scotia, SE Coast Mars Head to Shut-in Island, 1919
1423 Nova Scotia, SE Coast C. Sable to Sambro I., 1915
1424 Bay of Fundy E Coast Pubnico to Yarmouth, 1865
1425 Bay of Fundy - Digby Gut to the Head of Navigation Sheet 2, 1865
1426 Harbour of St. John New Brunswick, 1917
1427 Bay of Fundy Sheet 1, 1914
1570 Louisburg Harbour - Gulf of St Lawrence, 1897
1571 Sydney Harbour - Cape Breton Island, 1902
1572 Great Bras d'Or - Cape Breton Island, 1911
1573 Gut of Canso - Nova Scotia, 1915
1574 Glysborough Harbour - Nova Scotia, 1859
1575 Gut of Canso with Chedabucto Bay and Madame Island, 1914
1576 Gulf of St. Lawrence Sheet X, 1912
1577 Whitehaven - Nova Scotia, 1860
1578 Nova Scotia Country Island to Cape Canso, 1913
1579 Halifax Harbour - Nova Scotia, 1918
1580 Approaches to Halifax, 1916
1602 River and Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Banks Adjacent - Sheet II, 1886
1809 Newfoundland and the adjacent coast of Labrador, 1907
1815 Newfoundland, 1915
2072 A Chart Shewing Part of the Sea Coast of Newfoundland From the Bay of Bulls to Little Placentia, 1715
2073 The Coast of New Found-Land from Cape Raze to Cape St Francis, 1750c
2074 The Coast of New Found-Land from Salmon Cove to Cape Bonavista, 1750c
2075 Harbor Grace Newfoundland, 1678 c.
2076 Bay Bulls Newfoundland, 1678 c.
2077 Port Bonavista Newfoundland, 1678 c.
2078 Cattalina Harbor Newfoundland, 1678 c.
2079 Island of St. Peters, 1750c
2084 Halifax and Bedford, 1700 c.
2085 The Harbour of Casco Bay and Islands adjacent, 1700 c.
2511 Saguenay River Cap Éternité to St-Fulgence including Baie des Ha! Ha!, 1964
2512 Rivière Saguenay Fleuve Saint-Laurent È to Cap Éternité, 1973
4076 Telegraph of the Gulf of Lower St. Lawrence and Maritime Provinces, 1892
4127 St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Waterway, 1960 c.
4581 Pas-Kaart Vande Zee-Kusten van Terra Nova Met de byleggende Zee-Kusten van Francia Nova Canada en Accadie van C. de Sables tot de Mond vande Straad Davids toe., 1700 c.
4582 Pascaarte vande Noorder Zee custen van America Vande West-hoeck van Ysland doorde Straet Davis en Hudson, tot aen Terra Neuf., 1700 c.
7143 General chart of the Great Lakes., 1965
7144 Cape Breton Island, 1993
7184 Grundriss des Hafens und der Stad Louisbourg oder Ludwigsburg auf der Koenigs-Insel, 1735 c.
7232 Kaart over Hudsons Bugt., 1883
7266 Karte von den Bayen, Rheeden und Hafen auf der Insel Terre Neuve, 1744
7271 Grundriss von Port Royal in Accadia von den Engländern Annapolis Royale, 1744
7272 Grundriss des Hafens la Haive an der Küste von Accadien, 1744
7273 Grundriss von der Bay Chedabuctu heutiges Tages Havre de Milfort, 1744
7275 Grundriss des Hafens und der Stadt Louisbourg oder Ludwigsburg auf der Königs-Insel, 1744
7276 Grundriss des Hafens Dauphin und seiner Rheede nebst der Einfahrt in den Labrador, 1744
7278 Karte des Meerbusens St. Laurenz und der benachbarten Länder, 1756
7334 Karte von den Nord-westlichen Theilen von America, 1758
9029 Map of Meta Incognita, A.D. 1578. Baffin Island., 1578
9030 Michael Lok's map of the new World, A.D. 1582., 1582
9078 Map of Meta Incognita, A.D. 1578. Baffin Island., 1578
9079 Map of Norumbega from Ramusio's "Viaggi" 1556., 1556