Folioområde |
Foliounderområde |
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår
105 Atlant & Polar - søkort lille målestok
1057 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, July, 1923
1061 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, May, 1912
1062 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, December, 1922
1063 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, May, 1912
1066 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, September, 1915
1114 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, February, 1932
1148 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, June, 1919
1222 Pilot Chart of the South Atlantic Ocean, June-July-August, 1914
1223 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, January, 1935
1224 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, January, 1935
1237 Routeing Chart North Atlantic Ocean February, 1969
1246 Routeing Chart North Atlantic Ocean March, 1963
1448 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, February, 1900
1449 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, May, 1901
1545 Nordlige Atlanterhav, 1942
1588 Spanske Søen, 1830
1731 Atlantic Ocean North, 1884
1795 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, September, 1887
1805 North Atlantic, 1895
1806 North Atlantic, 1872 c.
1812 North Atlantic Ocean, 1867
1813 North Atlantic, 1872 c.
1814 North Atlantic, 1912 c.
1819 Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, 1844
1832 South Atlantic Ocean, 1867
1858 Nordlige Atlanterhav, 1942
1977 Atlantic Ocean, 1927
2071 A New and Correct Chart Shewing the Variations of the Compass in the Western & Southern Oceans, 1700
2098 A General Chart for the West Indies, 1700 c.
2370 Anonymt kort over Atlanterhavet, 1500 c.
2377 Joris Carolus: Kort over Island, Grønland og det nordøstlige Amerika, 1626
2379 A Chart of the Atlantic Ocean I. Sheet, 1775
2508 Routeing Chart North Atlantic Ocean March, 1970
2859 Atlantic Ocean Pilot Chart for Months JAN, FEB, MAR, 1878
2860 Atlantic Ocean Pilot Chart for Months APR, MAY, JUN, 1878
2861 Atlantic Ocean Pilot Chart for Months JAN, FEB, MAR, 1878
2862 Atlantic Ocean Pilot Chart for Months JAN, FEB, MAR, 1878
4094 Atlanterhavet, 1961
4477 Det Forenede Dampskibsselskab (The United Steamship Company) of Copenhagen. Regular Steamship Lines. Number of Steamers: 125. Gross Tonnage 127,000 Tons., 1900 c.
4478 Route Map of Det Forenede Dampskibsselskab (The United Steamship Company) of Copenhagen. Including their Scandinavian American Line., 1904
4584 Pascaarte vande Zee custen van Guinea en Brasilia, Van Cabo de Verde, tot C. de Bona Esperanca; en van R. de Amazones tot Rio de la Plata, alles op wassende graaden gestelt., 1700 c.
4986 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, September 1898, 1898
5000 Greenland, Iceland - Davis Strait - Shetland Islands, 1965
5011 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, November 1921, 1921
5012 Pilot Chart of the South Atlantic Ocean, December-January-February 1925, 1924
5013 Pilot Chart of the South Atlantic Ocean, March-April-May 1928, 1928
5028 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, March 1922, 1922
5179 Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, September, 1928
7147 North Atlantic Oean Northern Part, 2003
7229 A planning chart for the Atlantic Ocean, 1993
7300 South Atlantic Ocean, Western Portion, 1991
9041 Map of Drake's West Indian Expedition, 1585-1586., 1586
9045 Illvstri viro, Philippo Sidnæo Michael Lok Civis Londonensis Hanc Chartam Dedicabat, 1582., 1582