Museet for søfarts kortsamling

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10 Verdenskort

1200 This Track Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection ..., 1862
2706 Joan de la Cosa verdenskort, 1500 c.
2742 Kort med sejlruter til Indien, håndtegnet til Årbog 1963, 1963
2950 Verdenskort for Atlanten, Europa og Asien, hjemmelavet, 1946
3157 Typvs Orbis Terrarvm, 1587
3158 The World Sailing Ship Routes, 1946
3463 The World on Mercators Projection, 1850 c.
3466 La mappe Monde ou le Globe terrestre representé en deux Hemispheres, l'un oriental l'autre occidental; ou sont marquées les Découvertes les plus récentes, faites par Mackenzie, Vancouver, la Perouse, Bruce, Renell & Humboldt, 1816
3838 Verdenskort i det Mediceiske Atlas, 1351
3876 Nieuwe Kaart Van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, cienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Oostindie Volgens de laatste Ontdekkingen: Te Amsterdam by Is. Tirion 1755., 1753
3892 Nieuwe Kaart Van het Westlykste Deel der Weereld, dienende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Westindie Volgens de Laatste Ontdekkingen. Te Amsterdam by Is. Tirion. 1754., 1754
3894 Nova Orbis Tabvla in Lvcem Edita A. Frederik de Wit. Amstelodami cum Privilegio Potentiss D. Dominorum Ordinum Hollandiæ et Westfrisiæ, 1700 c.
3985 Accuratissima totius Asiæ Tabula in Omnes Partes divisa de novo Correcte ac in lucem edita per FdW, 1700 c.
4136 Nova Orbis Tabvla in Lvcem Edita A. Frederik de Wit. Amstelodami cum Privilegio Potentiss D. Dominorum Ordinum Hollandiæ et Westfrisiæ, 1700 c.
4248 Accuratissima totius Asiæ Tabula in Omnes Partes divisa de novo Correcte ac in lucem edita per FdW, 1700 c.
4445 Africa, 1730 c.
4616 Developement de la Route Des Vaisseaux du Roi La Boudeuse et l'Etoile autour du Monde., 1769 c.
4645 Le Globe Terrestre representé en deux plans-hemispheres, 1719
4761 Nieuw Aerdsch Pleyn - Verdenskort, 1700 c.
4790 Partie orientale du Monde, Qui Contiennent L'Europe, L'Asie, et L'Afrique. A Amsterdam Chez I. Covens et C. Mortier Libraires., 1730 c.
4795 Corvetten Galatheas Route omkring Jorden 1845-1847., 1847
4809 Globus Terrestris Det er Jordens Klode forestillende Verdens IV Deele, Nemlig I Europa, II Asia, III Africa og IV America udgiven udi Kiøbenhavn ved N. Jonge., 1758
4988 Loran-A Coverage Diagram, 1964
4991 Loran-C Coverage Diagram, 1962
5009 Verdenskort med sejlskibsruter. Manuskriptkort., 1908
5010 Rutekort for KØBENHAVNS jordomsejlig 1921-1922, 1920 c.
5048 World - Philips' new Commercial Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1950 c.
5049 World - Philips' new Commercial Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1950 c.
5050 Europe - Philips' new Commercial Map of Europe, 1950 c.
5051 Canada, Vandstandskort for Vestafrika, Argentina, Vestindien. 4 kort på en rulle., 1950 c.
7126 Versuch von einer kurzgefassten Karte welche die bekannten Theile der Erdkugel enthælt, 1748
7244 Karte von Nord-America, 1743
9001 Typvs Orbis Terrarvm / Typus Orbis Terrarum, 1570
9004 Hondius His map of the Christian World - Designatio Orbis Christiani., 1610 c.
9008 Typvs Orbis Terrarvm / Typus Orbis Terrarum, 1610 c.
9009 Verdenskort : Diev et mon Droit, 1590 c.
9010 Verdenskort : Robert Thorne, 1527
9027 General map made onelye for the particuler declaration of this discovery. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's map of the world, A.D. 1576., 1576
9028 Map of the World, A.D. 1578 - From George Best's book 1578., 1578
9032 Map of the New World, A.D. 1587 - From Peter Martyrs "De Orbe Novo"., 1587
9038 Map of the World by Peter Plancius, A.D. 1594., 1594
9042 Chart of the World showing the circumnavigations of Drake and Cavendish, 1595 ca., 1595
9052 Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticæ, 1588., 1590
9077 The World, Martin Frobisher, 1578., 1578
9080 Map of the New World, 1587. From a map of the World, by Rumold Mercator after Gerard Mercator., 1587
9083 The Edward Wright world map, 1599, State 2. Reproduced for Richard Hakluyt, prefixed to Principal navigations, II (1599)., 1599
9134 The North-east Coast in the Map of La Cosa, 1500, 1500
9135 Part of the map of Sebastian Cabot 1544, 1544
9136 Restoration of the Toscanelli Map 1474 ca., 1893
9137 The New World in the Cantino Chart 1502, 1502
9161 A Chart illustrating the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama 1497-1499, 1898
9167 Afrika og Indien, Caneiro 1502, 1898
9179 The Western Hemisphere, showing the Solomon Islands., 1592
9189 Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes., 1739
9200 Nova Totius Orbis Terrarum Descriptio, 1619
9238 Facsimile of a XVth cent. map of Drake's Voyage of circumnavigation = La Herdike enteprinse faict par le signeur Draeck d'avoir cirquit toute la terra, 1580
9258 Part of Diego Riberos map of the World, 1529, 1529
9307 Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ Augmentum 1597 - Showing a Strait between New Guinea and Terra Australis, 1597
9308 Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ Augmentum 1597 - Showing New Guinea as an Island separated from Terra Australis, 1597
9328 The Voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral 1500-01, 1938
9329 Oceanus Indicus Meridional.. - World Map of Henricus Germanus, 1492, 1492