
Brugt for historiske artikler og tekster. Opført efter forfatter med forkortelserne (kode/nummer) anvendt i artiklerne.
Revideret 5. april 2012. Kilder indsat derefter vil være at finde i den aktuelle artikel (JM 2019-01-20).
Forfatter Titel, forlag, udgave og udgivelsesår:
- - Ancrene Wisse, Guide for Anchoresses, Hugh White ed., Penguin, 1993
- - Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, G. N. Garmonsway ed.,
Everyman / Penguin 1953/1984
- - Bibelen, flere udgaver og sprog, inkl. 1931/48 og 1992 dansk og 1611 engelsk.
- - Book of Common Prayer, flere udgaver
- - Catholic Encyclopedia, netversion
9144 Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church,
E. A. Livingstone ed., 1977, 1986 [9144]
- - Danmarks Kirker, Nationalmuseet m.fl. Flere bind 1933-
[10454] Frederiksborg Amt 3. Bind, 1970. København - flere bind for hovedkirkerne.
[10510, 10511, 10512] Ribe Amt bind 1, 2 og 4 m.fl.
- - Danske Messebøger, S. H. Poulsen ed., Schultz, 1959
- - Documents of the Christian Church, Henry Bettenson et al., ed., Oxford, 3rd Ed. 1999
9989 dtv-Atlas Weltgeschichte, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, September 2006 [9989]
- - Encyclopedia Britannica, I-XXXII, 1991
9406 Esrum Klosters Brevbog 1-2, Tusculanum, 2002
Oversættelse og red. Bent Christensen et al. = [9406]
- - Fund og Forskning, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, årgang 1 fra 1954, [6591]
Kilder er taget fra egen samling indtil 2010. Derefter er citater slået efter i onlineversionen.
8785 Gotik, Rolf Toman ed., Könemann, 1998 /dansk 2000 [8785]
9786 Grossen Kathedralen, Klöster und Pilgerstätten Europas, Albatros, 2002 [9786]
6404 Historisk Tidsskrift, 6. Række, Bind I, red. C. F: Bricka, Kbh. 1887-1888 [6404]
6897 Holmens Kirke, Danmarks Kirker Hæfte 8-9, Gad, u.a. ca. 1958 [6897]
- - Kirkehistoriske Samlinger, diverse årgange
9783 Kleines Wörterbuch der Architektur, Reclam, 10. Auflag, 2005 [9783]
6387 Kong Christian den Femtes Danske Lov, Gad, 1929 [6387]
ved dr. jur. V. A. Secher.
9060 Krøniken om Graabrødrenes fordrivelse fra deres klostre i Danmark, Munksgaard, 1967.
Hovedforfatter Jacob Jensen, oversæt. Henning Heilesen. StHKO.
- - Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for Nordisk Middelalder 1-22, R&B. 1981
- - Levende ord og Billeder, Essays + Katalog, Erik Petersen ed., Kgl. Bibl. 1999
- - Lives of the Saints, J. J. Webb ed., Penguin, (1965) 1981
9862 Lives of the Later Caesars, David Magie ed. + transl., FS, (2005) [9862]
- - Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark: 1950
Om danske lektorier, Elna Møller, p.129
- - Oxford Classical Dictionary, M. Cary et al. ed., Oxford U.P., 1949/1964
6309 Oxford Dictionary of Popes, J. N. D. Kelly, Oxford U.P., 1986/1988 [6309]
9144 Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, F. L. Cross, ed., 3rd Ed., 1997 [9144]
OED Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Ed., OUP, 1997-2003, Digital edition [OED]
1937 Danmarks Historie, 1-14John Danstrup & Hal Koch ed., Politiken, 1969 [1937]
1938 Politikens Historiske Atlas, Politiken, 1962 [1938]
8787 Romansk Kunst, Toman, Rolf ed., Könemann, 2000 [8787]
- - Roskildekrøniken, oversat og intro. Michael H. Gelting, Wormianum, 1979
6648 Ryd Klosters Årbog i kulturhistorisk belysning, Rikke Agnete Olsen, Wormianum, 1989
- - Salmebogen, flere udgaver
- - Sjællandske Krønike, oversat og intro. Rikke Agnete Olsen,
Wormianum, 1981
Adam af Bremen De hamburgske ærkebispers historie og Nordens beskrivelse, R&B, 1968
Allmand, Christopher, ed. The New Cambridge Medieval History I-VII, CUP, 1990-2000 c., [9972]
Antonov, Boris Russian Tsars, P-2 Art Publishers, S. Petersburg, 2007, [10528]
Arnesen, Paul Ny Latinsk Ordbog, til Brug for den studerende Ungdom, Bianco Luno, 1848
Arnold, Benjamin "The Western Empire, 1125-1197". In: The New Cambridge Medieval History IV, Part II, 2004 [9972-4b]
Arnstrøm, Ellen Nøgle til vore Middelalderkirker, Munksgaard, 1939
Ashe, Geoffrery Kings and Queens of Early Britain, Methuen, 1982 [9090]
Augustin Bekendelser m.m., Ved Jørgen Pedersen, Berl., 1965
Augustin Confessions, Folio Society, 1993
efter J. G. Pilkingtons oversættelse fra 1876
Bach, H. et al. Bidrag til den danske Bibels historie, Århus Universitet, 1950 [5175]
Bach-Nielsen, Carsten, red. Danmark og renæssancen 1500-1650, Gad, 2006 [9959]
Balling, J. L. &
P. G. Lindhardt
Den nordiske kirkes historie, Nyt Nordisk, 4. udg., 1979
Barber, Malcolm The Trials of the Templars, FS, 2003, [9950]
Barbero, Alessandro Charlemagne - Father of a Continent, FS, 2006, [10106]
Barraclough, Geoffrey The Crucible of the Middle Ages (800-1000), 1st publ. 1976, FS ed. 1998. [CRU]
Barraclough, Geoffrey The Times Atlas of World History, Times Books, 1985/1988 [6538]
Baskerville, Geoffrey (1870-1944) English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries, 1st publ. 1937 by J. Cape, rep. Phoenix u.a. (2000)
Beaulieu, Lord Montagu of English Heritage, ed. P.H. Reed, English Heritage, 1987, [5896]
Bech, Svend Cedergreen; ed. Dansk Biografisk Leksikon 1-16, Gyldendal, 3. udgave, 1970-1984, [10005]
Beckett, Francis Danmarks Kunst 1-2, Koppel 1924, [9585]
Bede, The Venerable A History of the English Church and People, Penguin, 1955/1984
Bellitto, Christopher M. The general Councils, Paulist Press, New York, 2002
Benedicht, Laurentz Søkartet offuer Øster oc Vester Søen prentet i Kiøbenhavn aff Laurentz Benedicht, rep. 1915 ved Johannes Knudsen [MAP27-K091-BEN]
Benzon, Gorm & Anders Nielsen Danske Bygningsudtryk, Kreditforen. Danmark, 1983 [MAP125 K153]
Bergmann, Lorenz Kirkehistorie 1+2-3, Haase, 6. udg., 1948 [8863]
Bernhard, Marianne Monasteries, I. P. Verlagsgesellschaft München, 1998, 1. udg. [9095]
Bernholm, P. H. Antvorskov Kloster, Schønberg, 1942
Bertelsen, Jens Thodberg Religion - en grundbog i livsanskuelser, Gyl., 1986
Bicherman, E. J. Chronology of the Ancient World, Thames & Hudson, 1968/1980 [6904]
Binski, Paul Medieval Death, British Museum Press, 1996
Blair, Peter Hunter Anglo-Saxon England, Folio Society, 1956/1997
Boethius, Anicius The Consolation of Philosophy, introduction and translation (1969) by Victor Watts, Penguin, 1999, [10592]
Bonaventura, M. A. Villa d'Este - Tivoli, Villa gregoriana, Hadrian's Villa, Ed. Lozzi, u.a. [5274]
Borger, Louise Ade The Dictionary of World Pottery and Porcelain, 1st publ. Scribner NY, 1971 [6061]
Borrick, Benson The Making of the English Bible, 1st publ. W&N 2001, Phoenix 2003
Bové, Margrethe Jens Sørensen, Spion og søkorttegner for Christian V, Eget Forlag, 1998 [8691]
Bramsen, Bo Gamle Danmarkskort, en historisk oversigt 1570-1770, Grønholt Pedersen, 1952/1965 [6537]
Bramsen, Henrik Europas Kunst I-II, Gad, 1958 [8867]
Brandt, C. J. Om Lunde-Kanniken Christiern Pedersen og hans Skrifter
Gad, 1882
Braunfels, Wolfgang Abendländische Klosterbaukunst, Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1969 [9615]
Brown, David Det angelsaksiske England, Schønberg, 1979
Brown, Lloyd A. The Story of Maps, Dover Publications, 1949 / 1977 [7595]
Bruhns, Oliver 1200 Jahre Schleswig, Lions Club Schleswig, 2006 [9990]
Bunson, Matthew Guide to the Church, Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2001 [9316]
Busjan, Béatrice + Gottfried Kiesow Bauten der Macht - Gebrannte Grösse, Monumente, 2002, [10397]
Canny, Nicholas (ed.) The Origins of Empire - British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Cetury, Vol. 1 i serien
The Oxford History of the British Empire 1-5, OUP, 1998 [8230]
Cappelørn, Niels Jørgen
et al. ed.
De apostolske Fædre, Det danske Bibelselskab, 1985
Carey, M. S. Ely Cathedral, Pitkin, 1973 [5127]
Cartwright, J. L. Peterborough Cathedral, Pitkin, 1975 [5128]
Chadwick, Henry The Early Church, Dorset Press, 1967
Christensen, Bent et al. Esrum Klosters Brevbog 1-2, Tusculanum, 2002
Christensen, Aksel E. Danmarks historie vol. 1, Gyldendal (Heerups), 1978 [8080]
Christensen, Aksel E. Vikingetidens Danmark, Akademisk Forlag, 1977
Cirlot, J. E. Symbolordbog, Visdoms Bøgerne, 2002, 1. udg. [9740]
Cléry, M. A Journal of the Terror.. Louis XVI's confinement, FS, 1955 [7544]
Clifton-Taylor, Alec The Cathedrals of England, Thames & Hudson, 1986/2001 [9087]
Coldstream, Nicola Medieval Architecture, Oxford, 2002 [9086]
Crofton, Ian Kings and Queens - The Lives and reigns of the monarchs of England, Quercus, 2006 [10430]
Crossley, F. H. The English Abbey, Batsford, 2nd ed., 1939
Curl, James Stevens Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, OUP, 2nd ed., 2006 [10188]
Dahl, Svend + P. Engelstoft, red. Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon 1-3, Gyldendal 1920 [6781]
Dahmus, Joseph Seven Medieval Kings, George Allen, 1967 [9489]
Daniel-Rops, H. The Church in the Dark Ages, Phoenix, 1950, transl. 1959 / 2000
Dehn-Nielsen, Henning Kirker og klostre i Danmark, Sesam, 2. udg., 1998 [9276]
Delaney, John J. Dictionary of Saints, Doubleday, 1980 [9094]
Derry, T. K. &
M. G. York
The Making of Early and Medieval Britain, Murray, 3rd Ed. 1973 [5230]
Dittrich, Konrad 850 Jahre Kirche in Lübeck, Schmidt Römhild, 1993, 1. udg. [9257]
Douglas, David C. The Normans, introd. M. T. Clanchy; FS, 2002 [9331]
Dry, Mavis The Royal Ancient & Monastic Parish Church of St. Paul, Jarrow, St. Paul's Jarrow, 2003 [9634]
Duby, Georges France in the Middle Ages 987-1460, Blackwell, 1987/2000 [9845]
Dudley, D.R. ed. The Penguin Companion to Literature -4- Classical and Byzantine, Penguin, 1969 [9508]
Duffy, Sean et al. Atlas of Irish History, Gill & MacMillan, 2nd Ed., 2000 [10083]
Duke, D. H. Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, 1983 [5132]
Durant, Will Kulturhistorie, bind 11 + 12, Hassing, 1970, 1. udg. 1950
Eadmer St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Sands & Co., 1911
Ebbesen, Sten (red.) Dansk Middelalderfilosofi, Gyldendal, 2002, 1. udg. = 9366
Eilstrup, Per + Nils Eric Boesgaard Fjernt fra Danmark, Lademann, 1974 [2151]
Einhard of the Frank The Life of Charlemagne, transl. and introd. Lewis Thorpe, FS, 1970, 1. udg. c. 836 [9673]
Ende, Horst Der Dom zu Schwerin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2005, 1. udg. [9769]
Enevig, Anders Krucifikser i danske klosterhaver, Poul Kristensen, 1996
Eusebius The History of the Church, Andrew Louth, ed., Penguin, 1965 (fra 0-324)
Evangelisti, Silvia Nuns - A History of Convent Life 1450-1700, OUP, 2007 [10435]
Evans, Angela Care The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial, BM Publication, 1989 [6696]
Fabricius, A. Illustreret Danmarkshistorie for Folket, Gyl. 4. udg., 1914 [9062]
Fabricius, L. P. Danmarks Kirkehistorie I, 1-2, Lohse, 1935
Fang, Arthur Roskilde Domkirke gennem 1000 Aar, Flensborg Bogh., 1960
Feldkamp, Michael F. Regentenlisten und Stammtafeln zur geschichte Europas vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Reclam, 2002 [9799]
Ferguson, George Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, Oxford U.P., 1961
Filip af Novara Kejser Frederik 2.s Korstog og Kampen med Ibelinerne
Selskabet til Hist. Kildeskr., Gyldendal, 1946 = 9426
Fisher, Susanna The Makers of the Blueback Charts, Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson, 2001, [9913]
Fleischer, Jens Arkitekturleksikon, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 2007 [10220]
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley British Monachism or Manner and Customs of the Munks and Nuns of England...
London, 1817, [10153]
Frere, Sheppard Britannia - A History of the Roman Britain,
Folio Society, 1999, 1st publ. 1967
Friedrich, Verena Neukloster Mecklenburg, St. Maria Sonnenkamp,
Peda-Kunstführer, 2008, [10386]
Fuhrmann, Dietmar Albrechtsburg Meissen, mdv, 1997 [9794]
Gad, Tue Helgener - Legender fortalt i Norden, Rhodos, 1971
Garner, H. N. Atlas over danske klostre, Nyt Nordisk, 1968 [10652]
Garner, H. N. Cistercienserordenen, Øm Kloster 1998
Gibbon, Edward The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1-8,
Folio Society, 1st publ. 1788, reissued 1983 [7557]
Gillie, Sheridan &
W. J. Sheils
A History of Religion in Britain, Blackwell, 1994
Glover, Robert &
Thomas Milles
The Kings of England ever since it was so called, FS 1995 [7464]
Grandjean, Louis Omkring Hans Nansen, Høst 1953 [6119]
Grane, Leif Kirken i den europæiske Middelalder, Gad, 1999
Gregersen, Bo et al. Øm Kloster, Syddansk UF., 2003
Gregory of Tours The History of the Franks, Lewis Thorpe ed., Penguin, 1974
Grossmann, G. Ulrich Hannover und das südliche Niedersachsen, DuMont Kunst-Reiseführer, DuMont, 1988 [9614]
Guhl, E. & W. Koner The Greeks and Romans - Their Life and Customs, Studio, c.1870/1991 [6419]
Gøtzsche, Inger Klostervæsen og Sundhedsvæsen i Danmarks og Europas Middelalder, Reitzel, 2001 [Gøtz]
Haar, Helge & Jens Nørgaard Kirkehistoriske Læsestykker I, Oldtid og Middelalder, 7. udg., B&K, 1974
Hall, John John Hall's Illustrated Dictionary of Symbols in Eastern & Western Art,
Murray, 1994/97
Harrison, Dick Krigere og helgener - Vesteuropas historie 400-800 e.Kr., Gad, 1999, Dk 2001 [9732]
Harvest, Robert W. & Helga Tulinius Europas fyrstehuse, en genealogisk nøgle; Pol. 1977; H&S bibliotek
Hase, Karl Kirkehistorie, overs. af C. Winther, 1st publ. 1824, Reitzel 1837
Haworth, K. W. The Use of Sarum, 1973
Heer, Friedrich The Holy Roman Empire, Phoenix, 1st publ. 1968, rep. 2003 [9495]
Heer, Friedrich The Medieval World - Europe 1100-1350, Readers Union, 1st publ. 1961, rep. 1962 [9755]
Heiberg, Steffen, red. Christian IV og Europa, udstillingskatalog, 1988, forfatterliste i register [5588]
Hewson, J. B. A History of the practice of Navigation, BS&F, 2nd ed., 1983 [6166]
Hill, Boyd H. Jr. Medieval Monarchy in Action - The german Empire from Henry I to Henry IV, George Allen, 1972 [9752]
Hinsch, Connie et al. Tegl i dansk middelalder, Kalk og Tegl Information, 1983 [8922]
Hislop, Malcolm Medieval Masons, Shire, 2000, 1. udg. [9646]
Hodgkin, Thomas The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire I-VIII, FS 2000 [9718]
The Visigothic Invasion (I) [9719]
The Huns and the Vandals (II) [9720]
The Ostrogoths (III) [9721]
The Imperial Restoration (IV) [9722]
The Lombard Invasion (V) [9723]
The Lombard Kingdom (VI) [9724]
The Frankish Invasion (VII) [9725]
The Frankish Empire (VIII) [9726]
Holm-Petersen, F. + A. Rosendahl Fra Sejl til Diesel 1-4, Skandinavisk Bogforlag, 1951-1953 [5207]
Horn, Walter "On the Origin of the Medieval Cloister", in: Gesta, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, 1973 [Horn1]
Horn, Walter "The Medieval Monastery as a Setting for the Production of Manuscripts", in:
The Journal of the Walter Art Gallery, Vol. 44, 1986 [Horn2]
Horrebow, Peder Danske Skatkamer Bestaaende udi Grunden til Geometrien, Og Navigationen., Eget Forlag, 1745 [MAP01-K090-SKA]
Horstbøll, Henrik &
John T. Lauridsen
Den trykte kulturarv - Pligtaflevering gennem 300 år, KB & Tusculanum, 1998 [10198]
Howse, Derek & Michael Sanderson The Sea Chart, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1973, [7672]
Huck, Gabe Liturgy with Style and Grace, LTP, USA, 2nd Ed., 1984
Hume, David The History of England 1-6, Liberty, 1st publ. 1778, reisued 1983
Huizinga, Johan The Waning of the Middle Ages, Penguin, 1st Ed. 1924, Rep. 2001
+ FS edition, 1998
Høiris, Ole & Ingesman, Per Middelalderens Verden, Aarhus Uni.Forlag, 2010, De enkelte bidragsydere er ikke indekseret her, [10648]
Højbo, Bjørn Nadver og Messe, Pauluskredesen, 1st Ed. 1969
Impey, Edward Castle Acre Priory and Castle, guidebook, EH, 2008, [10578]
Ingerslev, C. F. Græsk-Dansk Ordbog, Gyldendal, 1866 [6606]
Jacobsen, Karen Bogen om Rom, Stokholms Forlag, u.a. [5212]
James, M. R. Abbeys; Monastic Life and Buildings, Great Western Railway, 1925, [9640]
Johannsen, Hugo &
Claus M. Schmidt
Danmarks Arkitektur - Kirkens Huse, Gyldendal, 1981
Johnston, William M Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 1-2, Fitzroy Deerborn Publ., 2000 [EncyMon. (ej ejet)]
Chronicles of the Crusades, Penguin, 1963, repr. [10082]
Jungen, Marianne A Small Guide to Aachen Cathedral, Alano, 1999 [8714]
Jørgensen, Ellen Fremmed indflydelse under den danske histories tidligste udvikling,
Hist., 1908
Jørgensen, Jens Anker & Bente Thomsen Gyldendals bog om danske klostre, Gyldendal, 2004 [9758]
Kaemmel, Otto Sächsische Geschichte, Hellerau-Verlag, 2003
Keates, Jonathan et al. Canterbury Cathedral, Summerfield, 1980
Kempis, Thomas à The Imitation of Christ, Leo Sherley-Price, ed., Penguin, 1952
Kiesow, Gottfried Wege zur Backsteingotik, Monumente, 2003 - 2007, [10396]
Lord Kinross; introd. Norman Stone The Ottoman Empire, FS 2003, [9861]
Klem, Knud De danskes Vej, Høst 1941 [5955]
Knowles, David The Monastic Order in England, Cambridge U.P., 2nd Ed. 1976
Knowles, David The Religious Orders in England 1-3, Cambridge U.P., 1979
Knudsen, Gunnar, ed. Mariager Legendehaandskrift, S. L. Møller, 1917/1930
Koch, Hal Danmarks Kirke I-II, Gyldendal, 1936
Koch, Hal Danmarks Kirke gennem Tiderne, Gyldendal, 1949
Koch, Hal Danmarks Kirke i den begyndende Højmiddelalder 1-2, Gyldendal, 1936
Koch, Hal Den danske kirkes historie I-VIII, Gyldendal, 1950- - [9249, 10513, 10514, 10515]
Koch, Wilfried Baustilkunde - Europäische Baukunst von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Mosaik Verlag, 1982 [9879]
Koch, Wilfried Bygningskunst og stilarter, Lamberth, u.a. (ca. 1980) [5794]
Kohte, Julius Die Baukunst des klassischen Altertums, und Ihre Entwicklung in der mittleren und neueren Zeit, Frd. Vieweg & Sohn, 1915 [9829]
Korsgaard, Peter Kort som kilde, Dansk Historisk Fællesråd, 2006 [10199]
Kramer, Heike Ludwigslust Palace, Staatliches Museum Schwerin, u.a. ca. 2002; [9772]
Kristensen, Anne K. G. Danmarks ældste Annalistik, Gyldendal, 1969
Kristensen, Marius, ed. Klosterbog fra middelalderens slutning, J. Jørgensen, 1933
Krüger, Carl G. Genealogiske Tabeller til De europæiske Staters Historie fra disses Stiftelse indtil vor Tid, Bianco Luno, 1848 [9951]
Kræmmer, Michael Den Hvide Klan - Absalon og hans slægt, Spektrum, 1999
Langberg, Harald Gyldne Billeder fra Middelalderen, Nationalmuseet, 1979 (5871)
Lasko, Peter The Kingdom of the Franks - Nord-west Europe before Charlemagne, Thames & Hudson, 1971 [Lasko]
Lausten, Martin Schwarz Kirkehistorie, Grundtræk af Vestens kirkehistorie
Anis, 1997, 4. opl. 2002 = 9412
Lausten, Martin Schwarz Danmarks kirkehistorie, Gyldendal, 2. udg. (1987), 1998
Lawrence, C. H. Medieval Monasticism, Longman, 3rd Ed., 2001 = 9130
Liisberg, Bering, red. Danmarks Søfart og Søhandel I-II, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1919 [6257]
Lind, H. D. Kong Kristian den Fjerde og hans mænd paa Bremerholm, Gyld 1889, rep. 1974 [9414]
Lind, John H. + Carsten Selch Jensen + Kurt Villads Jensen + Ane L. Bysted Danske Korstog - Krig og mission i Østersøen, Høst, 2004 [9762]
Lindhardt, P. G. Nederlagets mænd, Gad, 1968
Lister, Raymond How to Identify Old Maps and Globes, G. Bell and Sons Ltd, 1965/1970, [9899]
Little, Bryan English Historic Architecture, Batsford, 1964 [9877]
Liungman, Carl G. Symboler og ideogrammer, Aschehoug, 2003, 1. udg. 1999, oversat Hanne Steinicke [9733]
Lixenfeld, Elmar et al. Romanik in Sachsen-Anhalt, Monumente, 2002, [9812]
Lorenzen, Vilhelm Kirkebygningen og dens udstyr, Nordisk Kultur, Schultz, u.a.
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Lous, Carl Christian Styrmands Haandbog eller en saa kaldet Marin Calender, 2. udg., 1798 [7761]
Lund, Niels De hærger og de brænder - Danmark og England i vikingetiden, Gyl. 1997
Lund, Troels Dagligliv i Norden i det 16. årh. 1-14, Gyldendal u.a.
Mackay, Angus + Davd Ditchburn Atlas of Medieval Europe, Routledge, 1997 / 2003 [9690]
Mackay, Angus + Davd Ditchburn + Simon Maclean Atlas of Medieval Europe, Routledge, 2nd ed., 2007 [10049]
Mackie. J.D. A History of Scotland, Penguin, 1964 [7198]
Maddison, John Ely Cathedral - Design and Meaning, Ely Cathedral Publ., 2000 [10585]
Madsen, P. K. Han ligger under en blå sten, Hikuin 17 - 1990 p. 115ff.
Marshall, P.J. (ed.) The Eighteenth Cetury, Vol. 2 i serien
The Oxford History of the British Empire 1-5, OUP, 1998 [8247]
Martindale, Andrew Gothic Art, Thames & Hudson, 1967 [9132]
McEvedy, Colin The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, Penguin, 1992 [9847]
McGrath, Alister In the Beginning - The story of the King James Bible, Hodder & S., 2002 [9295]
McGuire, Brian Patrick ed. Mennekser i Danmark og Europas Middelalder, Reitzel, 1986 = 9592
McKitterick, Rosamond The Carolingians and the Written Word, Cambridge U.P., 1989, rep. 1995 [8321]
McKitterick, Rosamond The Early Middle Ages, Short Oxford History of Europe, 2001 [10519]
Meier, Hans-Jürgen Weltkulturerbe Quedlinburg, Studio Volker, 2001 [9809]
Miller, Malcolm Chartres Cathedral, Pitkin Guides, 2nd ed. 1996/2000 [8736]
Mortensen, Gotfred Grundsymboler, Clausen, 1972
Mortensøn, Ole Renæssancens fartøjer - sejlads og søfart i Danmark 1550-1650, Langelands Museum, 1994. [8058]
Moss, H. St. L. B. The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Folio Society, 1st ed. 1935, 1998. [BIR]
Mundy, John H. The High Middle Ages 1150-1300, 1st publ. 1973, FS 2000
Murray, Peter & Linda Christian Art and Architecture, The Oxford Companion to, 1996/98
Muscat, Joseph The maltese Galley, PIN, 1998/2000 [9944]
Müller, Lisbet Kjær + Mogens Müller Bogen om Bibelen, Politiken/GB, 2004 [9966]
Møller, Ellen Tegl 8 — 800 år i Danmark, Teglindustriens tekniske Tjeneste, 1964 [Tegl8]
Møller, Ellen Tømrede Klokkehuse, Foreningen t. g. Bygn. Bevar., 1960
Möller, Karin Europäisches Porzellan, Schweriner Schloss, 1999 [9767]
Naudé, Gabriel Vejledning i Biblioteksarbejde (1627), Gad, 1970, [6370]
Nestor Nestors krønike, red. Gunnar O. Svane, Wormianum, 1983 [6288]
Nielsen, Kay Danmarks konger og Dronninger, Union, 1980 [2122]
Nielsen, Lauritz Danmarks Middelalderlige Haandskrifter, Gyldendal, 1937 [5836]
Norris, Herbert Church Vestments, their Origin & Development, Dover Books, 1950 / 2002 [10326]
Norwich, John Julius Byzantium - The Early Centuries, FS, 2003, 1st ed. 1988, [10182]
Norwich, John Julius Byzantium - TheApogee, FS, 2003, 1st ed. 1991, [10183]
Norwich, John Julius Byzantium - The Decline and Fall, FS, 2003, 1st ed. 1995, [10184]
Nussbaum, Norbert German Gothic Church Architecture, Yale U.P., 2000 [9307]
Nyberg, Tore Nordisk klostervæsen før 1200, i
"Aspekter af dansk klostervæsen i middelalderen"
Nykjær, Mogens Peterskirken - Historie og betydning, GB, 1999/2000 [9155]
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