KildelitteraturBrugt for historiske artikler og tekster. Opført efter forfatter med forkortelserne (kode/nummer) anvendt i artiklerne.Revideret 5. april 2012. Kilder indsat derefter vil være at finde i den aktuelle artikel (JM 2019-01-20). |
Forfatter | Titel, forlag, udgave og udgivelsesår: |
- - | Ancrene Wisse, Guide for Anchoresses, Hugh White ed., Penguin, 1993 |
- - |
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, G. N. Garmonsway ed., Everyman / Penguin 1953/1984 |
- - | Bibelen, flere udgaver og sprog, inkl. 1931/48 og 1992 dansk og 1611 engelsk. |
- - | Book of Common Prayer, flere udgaver |
- - | Catholic Encyclopedia, netversion |
9144 |
Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, E. A. Livingstone ed., 1977, 1986 [9144] |
- - |
Danmarks Kirker, Nationalmuseet m.fl. Flere bind 1933- [10454] Frederiksborg Amt 3. Bind, 1970. København - flere bind for hovedkirkerne. [10510, 10511, 10512] Ribe Amt bind 1, 2 og 4 m.fl. |
- - | Danske Messebøger, S. H. Poulsen ed., Schultz, 1959 |
- - | Documents of the Christian Church, Henry Bettenson et al., ed., Oxford, 3rd Ed. 1999 |
9989 | dtv-Atlas Weltgeschichte, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, September 2006 [9989] |
- - | Encyclopedia Britannica, I-XXXII, 1991 |
9406 |
Esrum Klosters Brevbog 1-2, Tusculanum, 2002 Oversættelse og red. Bent Christensen et al. = [9406] |
- - |
Fund og Forskning, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, årgang 1 fra 1954, [6591] Kilder er taget fra egen samling indtil 2010. Derefter er citater slået efter i onlineversionen. |
8785 | Gotik, Rolf Toman ed., Könemann, 1998 /dansk 2000 [8785] |
9786 | Grossen Kathedralen, Klöster und Pilgerstätten Europas, Albatros, 2002 [9786] |
6404 | Historisk Tidsskrift, 6. Række, Bind I, red. C. F: Bricka, Kbh. 1887-1888 [6404] |
6897 | Holmens Kirke, Danmarks Kirker Hæfte 8-9, Gad, u.a. ca. 1958 [6897] |
- - | Kirkehistoriske Samlinger, diverse årgange |
9783 | Kleines Wörterbuch der Architektur, Reclam, 10. Auflag, 2005 [9783] |
6387 |
Kong Christian den Femtes Danske Lov, Gad, 1929 [6387] ved dr. jur. V. A. Secher. |
9060 |
Krøniken om Graabrødrenes fordrivelse fra deres klostre i Danmark, Munksgaard, 1967. Hovedforfatter Jacob Jensen, oversæt. Henning Heilesen. StHKO. |
- - | Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for Nordisk Middelalder 1-22, R&B. 1981 |
- - | Levende ord og Billeder, Essays + Katalog, Erik Petersen ed., Kgl. Bibl. 1999 |
- - | Lives of the Saints, J. J. Webb ed., Penguin, (1965) 1981 |
9862 | Lives of the Later Caesars, David Magie ed. + transl., FS, (2005) [9862] |
- - |
Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark: 1950 Om danske lektorier, Elna Møller, p.129 |
- - | Oxford Classical Dictionary, M. Cary et al. ed., Oxford U.P., 1949/1964 |
6309 | Oxford Dictionary of Popes, J. N. D. Kelly, Oxford U.P., 1986/1988 [6309] |
9144 | Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, F. L. Cross, ed., 3rd Ed., 1997 [9144] |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Ed., OUP, 1997-2003, Digital edition [OED] |
1937 | Danmarks Historie, 1-14John Danstrup & Hal Koch ed., Politiken, 1969 [1937] |
1938 | Politikens Historiske Atlas, Politiken, 1962 [1938] |
8787 | Romansk Kunst, Toman, Rolf ed., Könemann, 2000 [8787] |
- - | Roskildekrøniken, oversat og intro. Michael H. Gelting, Wormianum, 1979 |
6648 | Ryd Klosters Årbog i kulturhistorisk belysning, Rikke Agnete Olsen, Wormianum, 1989 |
- - | Salmebogen, flere udgaver |
- - |
Sjællandske Krønike, oversat og intro. Rikke Agnete Olsen, Wormianum, 1981 |
Adam af Bremen | De hamburgske ærkebispers historie og Nordens beskrivelse, R&B, 1968 |
Allmand, Christopher, ed. | The New Cambridge Medieval History I-VII, CUP, 1990-2000 c., [9972] |
Antonov, Boris | Russian Tsars, P-2 Art Publishers, S. Petersburg, 2007, [10528] |
Arnesen, Paul | Ny Latinsk Ordbog, til Brug for den studerende Ungdom, Bianco Luno, 1848 |
Arnold, Benjamin | "The Western Empire, 1125-1197". In: The New Cambridge Medieval History IV, Part II, 2004 [9972-4b] |
Arnstrøm, Ellen | Nøgle til vore Middelalderkirker, Munksgaard, 1939 |
Ashe, Geoffrery | Kings and Queens of Early Britain, Methuen, 1982 [9090] |
Augustin | Bekendelser m.m., Ved Jørgen Pedersen, Berl., 1965 |
Augustin |
Confessions, Folio Society, 1993 efter J. G. Pilkingtons oversættelse fra 1876 |
Bach, H. et al. | Bidrag til den danske Bibels historie, Århus Universitet, 1950 [5175] |
Bach-Nielsen, Carsten, red. | Danmark og renæssancen 1500-1650, Gad, 2006 [9959] |
Balling, J. L. & P. G. Lindhardt | Den nordiske kirkes historie, Nyt Nordisk, 4. udg., 1979 |
Barber, Malcolm | The Trials of the Templars, FS, 2003, [9950] |
Barbero, Alessandro | Charlemagne - Father of a Continent, FS, 2006, [10106] |
Barraclough, Geoffrey | The Crucible of the Middle Ages (800-1000), 1st publ. 1976, FS ed. 1998. [CRU] |
Barraclough, Geoffrey | The Times Atlas of World History, Times Books, 1985/1988 [6538] |
Baskerville, Geoffrey (1870-1944) | English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries, 1st publ. 1937 by J. Cape, rep. Phoenix u.a. (2000) |
Beaulieu, Lord Montagu of | English Heritage, ed. P.H. Reed, English Heritage, 1987, [5896] |
Bech, Svend Cedergreen; ed. | Dansk Biografisk Leksikon 1-16, Gyldendal, 3. udgave, 1970-1984, [10005] |
Beckett, Francis | Danmarks Kunst 1-2, Koppel 1924, [9585] |
Bede, The Venerable | A History of the English Church and People, Penguin, 1955/1984 |
Bellitto, Christopher M. | The general Councils, Paulist Press, New York, 2002 |
Benedicht, Laurentz | Søkartet offuer Øster oc Vester Søen prentet i Kiøbenhavn aff Laurentz Benedicht, rep. 1915 ved Johannes Knudsen [MAP27-K091-BEN] |
Benzon, Gorm & Anders Nielsen | Danske Bygningsudtryk, Kreditforen. Danmark, 1983 [MAP125 K153] |
Bergmann, Lorenz | Kirkehistorie 1+2-3, Haase, 6. udg., 1948 [8863] |
Bernhard, Marianne | Monasteries, I. P. Verlagsgesellschaft München, 1998, 1. udg. [9095] |
Bernholm, P. H. | Antvorskov Kloster, Schønberg, 1942 |
Bertelsen, Jens Thodberg | Religion - en grundbog i livsanskuelser, Gyl., 1986 |
Bicherman, E. J. | Chronology of the Ancient World, Thames & Hudson, 1968/1980 [6904] |
Binski, Paul | Medieval Death, British Museum Press, 1996 |
Blair, Peter Hunter | Anglo-Saxon England, Folio Society, 1956/1997 |
Boethius, Anicius | The Consolation of Philosophy, introduction and translation (1969) by Victor Watts, Penguin, 1999, [10592] |
Bonaventura, M. A. | Villa d'Este - Tivoli, Villa gregoriana, Hadrian's Villa, Ed. Lozzi, u.a. [5274] |
Borger, Louise Ade | The Dictionary of World Pottery and Porcelain, 1st publ. Scribner NY, 1971 [6061] |
Borrick, Benson | The Making of the English Bible, 1st publ. W&N 2001, Phoenix 2003 |
Bové, Margrethe | Jens Sørensen, Spion og søkorttegner for Christian V, Eget Forlag, 1998 [8691] |
Bramsen, Bo | Gamle Danmarkskort, en historisk oversigt 1570-1770, Grønholt Pedersen, 1952/1965 [6537] |
Bramsen, Henrik | Europas Kunst I-II, Gad, 1958 [8867] |
Brandt, C. J. |
Om Lunde-Kanniken Christiern Pedersen og hans Skrifter Gad, 1882 |
Braunfels, Wolfgang | Abendländische Klosterbaukunst, Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1969 [9615] |
Brown, David | Det angelsaksiske England, Schønberg, 1979 |
Brown, Lloyd A. | The Story of Maps, Dover Publications, 1949 / 1977 [7595] |
Bruhns, Oliver | 1200 Jahre Schleswig, Lions Club Schleswig, 2006 [9990] |
Bunson, Matthew | Guide to the Church, Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2001 [9316] |
Busjan, Béatrice + Gottfried Kiesow | Bauten der Macht - Gebrannte Grösse, Monumente, 2002, [10397] |
Canny, Nicholas (ed.) |
The Origins of Empire - British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Cetury, Vol. 1 i serien The Oxford History of the British Empire 1-5, OUP, 1998 [8230] |
Cappelørn, Niels Jørgen et al. ed. | De apostolske Fædre, Det danske Bibelselskab, 1985 |
Carey, M. S. | Ely Cathedral, Pitkin, 1973 [5127] |
Cartwright, J. L. | Peterborough Cathedral, Pitkin, 1975 [5128] |
Chadwick, Henry | The Early Church, Dorset Press, 1967 |
Christensen, Bent et al. | Esrum Klosters Brevbog 1-2, Tusculanum, 2002 |
Christensen, Aksel E. | Danmarks historie vol. 1, Gyldendal (Heerups), 1978 [8080] |
Christensen, Aksel E. | Vikingetidens Danmark, Akademisk Forlag, 1977 |
Cirlot, J. E. | Symbolordbog, Visdoms Bøgerne, 2002, 1. udg. [9740] |
Cléry, M. | A Journal of the Terror.. Louis XVI's confinement, FS, 1955 [7544] |
Clifton-Taylor, Alec | The Cathedrals of England, Thames & Hudson, 1986/2001 [9087] |
Coldstream, Nicola | Medieval Architecture, Oxford, 2002 [9086] |
Crofton, Ian | Kings and Queens - The Lives and reigns of the monarchs of England, Quercus, 2006 [10430] |
Crossley, F. H. | The English Abbey, Batsford, 2nd ed., 1939 |
Curl, James Stevens | Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, OUP, 2nd ed., 2006 [10188] |
Dahl, Svend + P. Engelstoft, red. | Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon 1-3, Gyldendal 1920 [6781] |
Dahmus, Joseph | Seven Medieval Kings, George Allen, 1967 [9489] |
Daniel-Rops, H. | The Church in the Dark Ages, Phoenix, 1950, transl. 1959 / 2000 |
Dehn-Nielsen, Henning | Kirker og klostre i Danmark, Sesam, 2. udg., 1998 [9276] |
Delaney, John J. | Dictionary of Saints, Doubleday, 1980 [9094] |
Derry, T. K. & M. G. York | The Making of Early and Medieval Britain, Murray, 3rd Ed. 1973 [5230] |
Dittrich, Konrad | 850 Jahre Kirche in Lübeck, Schmidt Römhild, 1993, 1. udg. [9257] |
Douglas, David C. | The Normans, introd. M. T. Clanchy; FS, 2002 [9331] |
Dry, Mavis | The Royal Ancient & Monastic Parish Church of St. Paul, Jarrow, St. Paul's Jarrow, 2003 [9634] |
Duby, Georges | France in the Middle Ages 987-1460, Blackwell, 1987/2000 [9845] |
Dudley, D.R. ed. | The Penguin Companion to Literature -4- Classical and Byzantine, Penguin, 1969 [9508] |
Duffy, Sean et al. | Atlas of Irish History, Gill & MacMillan, 2nd Ed., 2000 [10083] |
Duke, D. H. | Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, 1983 [5132] |
Durant, Will | Kulturhistorie, bind 11 + 12, Hassing, 1970, 1. udg. 1950 |
Eadmer | St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Sands & Co., 1911 |
Ebbesen, Sten (red.) | Dansk Middelalderfilosofi, Gyldendal, 2002, 1. udg. = 9366 |
Eilstrup, Per + Nils Eric Boesgaard | Fjernt fra Danmark, Lademann, 1974 [2151] |
Einhard of the Frank | The Life of Charlemagne, transl. and introd. Lewis Thorpe, FS, 1970, 1. udg. c. 836 [9673] |
Ende, Horst | Der Dom zu Schwerin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2005, 1. udg. [9769] |
Enevig, Anders | Krucifikser i danske klosterhaver, Poul Kristensen, 1996 |
Eusebius | The History of the Church, Andrew Louth, ed., Penguin, 1965 (fra 0-324) |
Evangelisti, Silvia | Nuns - A History of Convent Life 1450-1700, OUP, 2007 [10435] |
Evans, Angela Care | The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial, BM Publication, 1989 [6696] |
Fabricius, A. | Illustreret Danmarkshistorie for Folket, Gyl. 4. udg., 1914 [9062] |
Fabricius, L. P. | Danmarks Kirkehistorie I, 1-2, Lohse, 1935 |
Fang, Arthur | Roskilde Domkirke gennem 1000 Aar, Flensborg Bogh., 1960 |
Feldkamp, Michael F. | Regentenlisten und Stammtafeln zur geschichte Europas vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Reclam, 2002 [9799] |
Ferguson, George | Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, Oxford U.P., 1961 |
Filip af Novara |
Kejser Frederik 2.s Korstog og Kampen med Ibelinerne Selskabet til Hist. Kildeskr., Gyldendal, 1946 = 9426 |
Fisher, Susanna | The Makers of the Blueback Charts, Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson, 2001, [9913] |
Fleischer, Jens | Arkitekturleksikon, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 2007 [10220] |
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley |
British Monachism or Manner and Customs of the Munks and Nuns of England... London, 1817, [10153] |
Frere, Sheppard |
Britannia - A History of the Roman Britain, Folio Society, 1999, 1st publ. 1967 |
Friedrich, Verena |
Neukloster Mecklenburg, St. Maria Sonnenkamp, Peda-Kunstführer, 2008, [10386] |
Fuhrmann, Dietmar | Albrechtsburg Meissen, mdv, 1997 [9794] |
Gad, Tue | Helgener - Legender fortalt i Norden, Rhodos, 1971 |
Garner, H. N. | Atlas over danske klostre, Nyt Nordisk, 1968 [10652] |
Garner, H. N. | Cistercienserordenen, Øm Kloster 1998 |
Gibbon, Edward |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1-8, Folio Society, 1st publ. 1788, reissued 1983 [7557] |
Gillie, Sheridan & W. J. Sheils | A History of Religion in Britain, Blackwell, 1994 |
Glover, Robert & Thomas Milles | The Kings of England ever since it was so called, FS 1995 [7464] |
Grandjean, Louis | Omkring Hans Nansen, Høst 1953 [6119] |
Grane, Leif | Kirken i den europæiske Middelalder, Gad, 1999 |
Gregersen, Bo et al. | Øm Kloster, Syddansk UF., 2003 |
Gregory of Tours | The History of the Franks, Lewis Thorpe ed., Penguin, 1974 |
Grossmann, G. Ulrich | Hannover und das südliche Niedersachsen, DuMont Kunst-Reiseführer, DuMont, 1988 [9614] |
Guhl, E. & W. Koner | The Greeks and Romans - Their Life and Customs, Studio, c.1870/1991 [6419] |
Gøtzsche, Inger | Klostervæsen og Sundhedsvæsen i Danmarks og Europas Middelalder, Reitzel, 2001 [Gøtz] |
Haar, Helge & Jens Nørgaard | Kirkehistoriske Læsestykker I, Oldtid og Middelalder, 7. udg., B&K, 1974 |
Hall, John |
John Hall's Illustrated Dictionary of Symbols in Eastern & Western Art, Murray, 1994/97 |
Harrison, Dick | Krigere og helgener - Vesteuropas historie 400-800 e.Kr., Gad, 1999, Dk 2001 [9732] |
Harvest, Robert W. & Helga Tulinius | Europas fyrstehuse, en genealogisk nøgle; Pol. 1977; H&S bibliotek |
Hase, Karl | Kirkehistorie, overs. af C. Winther, 1st publ. 1824, Reitzel 1837 |
Haworth, K. W. | The Use of Sarum, 1973 |
Heer, Friedrich | The Holy Roman Empire, Phoenix, 1st publ. 1968, rep. 2003 [9495] |
Heer, Friedrich | The Medieval World - Europe 1100-1350, Readers Union, 1st publ. 1961, rep. 1962 [9755] |
Heiberg, Steffen, red. | Christian IV og Europa, udstillingskatalog, 1988, forfatterliste i register [5588] |
Hewson, J. B. | A History of the practice of Navigation, BS&F, 2nd ed., 1983 [6166] |
Hill, Boyd H. Jr. | Medieval Monarchy in Action - The german Empire from Henry I to Henry IV, George Allen, 1972 [9752] |
Hinsch, Connie et al. | Tegl i dansk middelalder, Kalk og Tegl Information, 1983 [8922] |
Hislop, Malcolm | Medieval Masons, Shire, 2000, 1. udg. [9646] |
Hodgkin, Thomas |
The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire I-VIII, FS 2000 [9718] The Visigothic Invasion (I) [9719] The Huns and the Vandals (II) [9720] The Ostrogoths (III) [9721] The Imperial Restoration (IV) [9722] The Lombard Invasion (V) [9723] The Lombard Kingdom (VI) [9724] The Frankish Invasion (VII) [9725] The Frankish Empire (VIII) [9726] |
Holm-Petersen, F. + A. Rosendahl | Fra Sejl til Diesel 1-4, Skandinavisk Bogforlag, 1951-1953 [5207] |
Horn, Walter | "On the Origin of the Medieval Cloister", in: Gesta, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, 1973 [Horn1] |
Horn, Walter |
"The Medieval Monastery as a Setting for the Production of Manuscripts", in: The Journal of the Walter Art Gallery, Vol. 44, 1986 [Horn2] |
Horrebow, Peder | Danske Skatkamer Bestaaende udi Grunden til Geometrien, Og Navigationen., Eget Forlag, 1745 [MAP01-K090-SKA] |
Horstbøll, Henrik & John T. Lauridsen | Den trykte kulturarv - Pligtaflevering gennem 300 år, KB & Tusculanum, 1998 [10198] |
Howse, Derek & Michael Sanderson | The Sea Chart, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1973, [7672] |
Huck, Gabe | Liturgy with Style and Grace, LTP, USA, 2nd Ed., 1984 |
Hume, David | The History of England 1-6, Liberty, 1st publ. 1778, reisued 1983 |
Huizinga, Johan |
The Waning of the Middle Ages, Penguin, 1st Ed. 1924, Rep. 2001 + FS edition, 1998 |
Høiris, Ole & Ingesman, Per | Middelalderens Verden, Aarhus Uni.Forlag, 2010, De enkelte bidragsydere er ikke indekseret her, [10648] |
Højbo, Bjørn | Nadver og Messe, Pauluskredesen, 1st Ed. 1969 |
Impey, Edward | Castle Acre Priory and Castle, guidebook, EH, 2008, [10578] |
Ingerslev, C. F. | Græsk-Dansk Ordbog, Gyldendal, 1866 [6606] |
Jacobsen, Karen | Bogen om Rom, Stokholms Forlag, u.a. [5212] |
James, M. R. | Abbeys; Monastic Life and Buildings, Great Western Railway, 1925, [9640] |
Johannsen, Hugo & Claus M. Schmidt | Danmarks Arkitektur - Kirkens Huse, Gyldendal, 1981 |
Johnston, William M | Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 1-2, Fitzroy Deerborn Publ., 2000 [EncyMon. (ej ejet)] |
Joinville Villehardouin | Chronicles of the Crusades, Penguin, 1963, repr. [10082] |
Jungen, Marianne | A Small Guide to Aachen Cathedral, Alano, 1999 [8714] |
Jørgensen, Ellen |
Fremmed indflydelse under den danske histories tidligste udvikling, Hist., 1908 |
Jørgensen, Jens Anker & Bente Thomsen | Gyldendals bog om danske klostre, Gyldendal, 2004 [9758] |
Kaemmel, Otto | Sächsische Geschichte, Hellerau-Verlag, 2003 |
Keates, Jonathan et al. | Canterbury Cathedral, Summerfield, 1980 |
Kempis, Thomas à | The Imitation of Christ, Leo Sherley-Price, ed., Penguin, 1952 |
Kiesow, Gottfried | Wege zur Backsteingotik, Monumente, 2003 - 2007, [10396] |
Lord Kinross; introd. Norman Stone | The Ottoman Empire, FS 2003, [9861] |
Klem, Knud | De danskes Vej, Høst 1941 [5955] |
Knowles, David | The Monastic Order in England, Cambridge U.P., 2nd Ed. 1976 |
Knowles, David | The Religious Orders in England 1-3, Cambridge U.P., 1979 |
Knudsen, Gunnar, ed. | Mariager Legendehaandskrift, S. L. Møller, 1917/1930 |
Koch, Hal | Danmarks Kirke I-II, Gyldendal, 1936 |
Koch, Hal | Danmarks Kirke gennem Tiderne, Gyldendal, 1949 |
Koch, Hal | Danmarks Kirke i den begyndende Højmiddelalder 1-2, Gyldendal, 1936 |
Koch, Hal | Den danske kirkes historie I-VIII, Gyldendal, 1950- - [9249, 10513, 10514, 10515] |
Koch, Wilfried | Baustilkunde - Europäische Baukunst von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Mosaik Verlag, 1982 [9879] |
Koch, Wilfried | Bygningskunst og stilarter, Lamberth, u.a. (ca. 1980) [5794] |
Kohte, Julius | Die Baukunst des klassischen Altertums, und Ihre Entwicklung in der mittleren und neueren Zeit, Frd. Vieweg & Sohn, 1915 [9829] |
Korsgaard, Peter | Kort som kilde, Dansk Historisk Fællesråd, 2006 [10199] |
Kramer, Heike | Ludwigslust Palace, Staatliches Museum Schwerin, u.a. ca. 2002; [9772] |
Kristensen, Anne K. G. | Danmarks ældste Annalistik, Gyldendal, 1969 |
Kristensen, Marius, ed. | Klosterbog fra middelalderens slutning, J. Jørgensen, 1933 |
Krüger, Carl G. | Genealogiske Tabeller til De europæiske Staters Historie fra disses Stiftelse indtil vor Tid, Bianco Luno, 1848 [9951] |
Kræmmer, Michael | Den Hvide Klan - Absalon og hans slægt, Spektrum, 1999 |
Langberg, Harald | Gyldne Billeder fra Middelalderen, Nationalmuseet, 1979 (5871) |
Lasko, Peter | The Kingdom of the Franks - Nord-west Europe before Charlemagne, Thames & Hudson, 1971 [Lasko] |
Lausten, Martin Schwarz |
Kirkehistorie, Grundtræk af Vestens kirkehistorie Anis, 1997, 4. opl. 2002 = 9412 |
Lausten, Martin Schwarz | Danmarks kirkehistorie, Gyldendal, 2. udg. (1987), 1998 |
Lawrence, C. H. | Medieval Monasticism, Longman, 3rd Ed., 2001 = 9130 |
Liisberg, Bering, red. | Danmarks Søfart og Søhandel I-II, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1919 [6257] |
Lind, H. D. | Kong Kristian den Fjerde og hans mænd paa Bremerholm, Gyld 1889, rep. 1974 [9414] |
Lind, John H. + Carsten Selch Jensen + Kurt Villads Jensen + Ane L. Bysted | Danske Korstog - Krig og mission i Østersøen, Høst, 2004 [9762] |
Lindhardt, P. G. | Nederlagets mænd, Gad, 1968 |
Lister, Raymond | How to Identify Old Maps and Globes, G. Bell and Sons Ltd, 1965/1970, [9899] |
Little, Bryan | English Historic Architecture, Batsford, 1964 [9877] |
Liungman, Carl G. | Symboler og ideogrammer, Aschehoug, 2003, 1. udg. 1999, oversat Hanne Steinicke [9733] |
Lixenfeld, Elmar et al. | Romanik in Sachsen-Anhalt, Monumente, 2002, [9812] |
Lorenzen, Vilhelm | Kirkebygningen og dens udstyr, Nordisk Kultur, Schultz, u.a. |
Lorenzen, Vilhelm | De danske Franciskanerklostres Bygningshistorie, Gad, 1914 [10624] |
Lous, Carl Christian | Styrmands Haandbog eller en saa kaldet Marin Calender, 2. udg., 1798 [7761] |
Lund, Niels | De hærger og de brænder - Danmark og England i vikingetiden, Gyl. 1997 |
Lund, Troels | Dagligliv i Norden i det 16. årh. 1-14, Gyldendal u.a. |
Mackay, Angus + Davd Ditchburn | Atlas of Medieval Europe, Routledge, 1997 / 2003 [9690] |
Mackay, Angus + Davd Ditchburn + Simon Maclean | Atlas of Medieval Europe, Routledge, 2nd ed., 2007 [10049] |
Mackie. J.D. | A History of Scotland, Penguin, 1964 [7198] |
Maddison, John | Ely Cathedral - Design and Meaning, Ely Cathedral Publ., 2000 [10585] |
Madsen, P. K. | Han ligger under en blå sten, Hikuin 17 - 1990 p. 115ff. |
Marshall, P.J. (ed.) |
The Eighteenth Cetury, Vol. 2 i serien The Oxford History of the British Empire 1-5, OUP, 1998 [8247] |
Martindale, Andrew | Gothic Art, Thames & Hudson, 1967 [9132] |
McEvedy, Colin | The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, Penguin, 1992 [9847] |
McGrath, Alister | In the Beginning - The story of the King James Bible, Hodder & S., 2002 [9295] |
McGuire, Brian Patrick ed. | Mennekser i Danmark og Europas Middelalder, Reitzel, 1986 = 9592 |
McKitterick, Rosamond | The Carolingians and the Written Word, Cambridge U.P., 1989, rep. 1995 [8321] |
McKitterick, Rosamond | The Early Middle Ages, Short Oxford History of Europe, 2001 [10519] |
Meier, Hans-Jürgen | Weltkulturerbe Quedlinburg, Studio Volker, 2001 [9809] |
Miller, Malcolm | Chartres Cathedral, Pitkin Guides, 2nd ed. 1996/2000 [8736] |
Mortensen, Gotfred | Grundsymboler, Clausen, 1972 |
Mortensøn, Ole | Renæssancens fartøjer - sejlads og søfart i Danmark 1550-1650, Langelands Museum, 1994. [8058] |
Moss, H. St. L. B. | The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Folio Society, 1st ed. 1935, 1998. [BIR] |
Mundy, John H. | The High Middle Ages 1150-1300, 1st publ. 1973, FS 2000 |
Murray, Peter & Linda | Christian Art and Architecture, The Oxford Companion to, 1996/98 |
Muscat, Joseph | The maltese Galley, PIN, 1998/2000 [9944] |
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